The tour

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Authors note
So I'm going to change the age you get your soulmate I want it to be seventeen instead of sixteen so hope you like the chapter bye!
" Catra? That's a beautiful name" I complemented her.

"Thanks. Adora is a nice name too". I blushed at her comment .

"Ok so what about that tour?" I asked. She nodded her head. "Ok, well let's go." I said as I led her out of the office. When we got out into the hallway I saw Scorpia, Lonnie, Entrapta, and Double Trouble.

"Hey Adora over here!" Scorpia waved us over.
"So Adora, who's the newbie?" Lonnie asked

"Oh this is Catra." I said as Catra waved.

"Well, hi Catra, I'm Scorpia, this is Lonnie, Entrapta, and Double Trouble." Scorpia introduced.

"Nice to meet you all." Catra said.

"Well hello darling, I'm sure we will all get along greatly" Double Trouble said.

Then Catra's tail hit me, and when I looked back at her she gave me the 'can-we-go-now' look.
"Oh right, the tour, um, well, bye guys we have to go", I said as I dragged Catra away, "So first you need your locker." I said as she handed me the number of the locker. "Oh this is great. Your locker is right next to mine." I said as we headed over to our lockers.

( le magic time skip)

We had just gotten done with getting her locker ready when a question popped into my head. "Can I see your schedule?" I asked her
"Yea, sure, and also thanks for getting us away from those people earlier. I was getting annoyed with them."

"It's no problem but get Double Trouble on your side. They can pull off being you for a day and no one would suspect it. But anyways... OH! We have all the same classes together so we have art first period, theater second, history third, English fourth, then lunch, free period, then math sixth, science seventh, and last P.E. eight".

"Oh, well it looks like you stuck with me then blondie." I giggled at Catra's comment and it looked like Catra blushed a little then the bell rang.
"Well follow me Catra" I said as we started to walk. I then noticed that she was getting pushed back by the crowds, meanwhile the crowd was clearing for me because I was the famous Adora Moon, the volleyball legend. I went back to where I saw Catra looking for me then I grabbed her hand and started walking us to class.

"What are you doing?!" Catra asked.

"I'm getting us to class" I said, then Catra relaxed at my touch. People then started clearing for us and we got to class successfully. We got into class and I went to my seat in the back of the class. I told Catra to sit next to me since nobody sat next to me.
"So when's your birthday?" she asked me.
"In five days" I replied.
"Wow, finally gonna be seventeen. That must be exciting getting your soulmate and all" she replied.
"I mean it's all kind of nerve-racking but anyway what is your birthday?" I questioned

"Sixteenth." she replied.

"10 days  after mine, weird right?" I said nervously.
"Yea that's odd." she replied.

Then the bell rang and the teacher walked into class and started to hand out paper
"Ok class so today you get to draw whatever you want so get started and remember you get to keep these."The teacher stated

I had no clue what to draw so I just drew what was coming into mind. I let my pencils glide against the paper not paying attention to what I was drawing I then put my pencil down and began to color the drawing. I grabbed the black, dark brown, light brown, and dark blue. When I finished coloring I realized what I drew. I had draw a a cat and girl sitting in a tree looking at the moon but you could only see their silhouettes. I looked at what Catra drew, she had drawn a girl, the girl was smiling and looking down at a paper and drawing. It was extremely detailed then I realized who it was..... It...was me. I just smiled  then Catra looked up from her drawing to look at me. Her face went a little red when she saw me looking at her drawing and I just giggled she then smirked at me.

"What are you laughing at blondie?"she asked while I was still giggling
"You. Your face was priceless," I answered her question as I handed her my drawing "Here, keep it" she just stared at me with a blank face. She then took it and smiled. She then handed me hers.
"Here you can keep mine too" she said and I gladly took it and smiled.

"Ok the class is almost over so pack up and you have free time to socialize." The teacher told the class but we only had a minute left of class so I began too pack up. Once I was done packing up the bell rang I got up and walked out the door and waited for Catra.

"Ok theater, ready to go?" I asked Catra as she walked out the door.
"Yep, lets go." She answerd me and I led her to our next class.
Ok I changed it fight me I dare you

Word count- 909

How did we end up as soulmates ( a catra x adora high school au / soulmates auWhere stories live. Discover now