Chapter 6 -thought i would miss your birthday again

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Wow another chapter you know what Fuck it I'm adding someone into the story you probably never thought I would add


"Oh my god Mara! Wake up please!" I said and her eyes start to flutter open "Catra help me get her to the couch please" I ask Catra and she helps me get Mara on the couch "can someone get a glass of water?" I asked and glimmer nodded "Mara?" I ask


"I need you to answer an important question" I tell her and she nods "who brought you here?"

"I did..." I heard a male voice say 'no it can't be' I thought and my eyes go wide as I slowly turn around "did you miss me.... Big sis"

"Adam?" I say in shock running over and jumping into his open arms

"I'll take that as a yes" he say hugging me

(This is what he looked like not my art btw)

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(This is what he looked like not my art btw)

After hugging for a minute he put me down

"Adora-" slap the sound of my hand hitting him rang through the house

"I probably deserved that..."

"Where were you...." I ask anger threading through my voice

"Adora I- I...."

"You what?! You left me! do you know what I went through?! What has it been a couple of years!? Did you think you could just walk back into my life after you left me!"I scream at him tears falling down my face and he looked down in shame " I looked for you you know. I just woke up and you were gone.... everything in your room gone. You didn't even bother to leave a fucking note or text!YOU ABANDONED ME! YOUR TWIN SISTER-" I yelled at him but he hugged me cutting me off "let go of me!" I yelled at him hitting his back with all my strength

"I HATE YOU" I screamed still hitting him

"I love you too" he told me and I was still hitting him

"Adora..." I hear Catra call my name and I'm snapped back into reality

"Catra" I sob and Adam let me go and Catra  holds me in her arms 

" I'm sorry I'm so sorry Adora. I-I never should of left I wasn't thinking I just needed time on my own." He apologized and I notice something pink on his right ear

"You still wear it..." I say

"Y-yeah I never take it off. Do you still have yours." He asks I nod and pull it out of my pocket " heh. Thought you would've thrown it away or sold it" he says chuckling

"No... never it's the only thing that reminds me of you, mom, and dad" I say putting on the earring "Adam.....?"


How did we end up as soulmates ( a catra x adora high school au / soulmates auWhere stories live. Discover now