Chapter 5

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Hello again I hope you enjoyed my last chapter and I hope you enjoy this one

(ADORA POV we finally switching)

"Ok so now that we have all sat down I guess we have some explaining to do" I say looking at Catra

"Ok well first of all why is Catra in your house and why was she in your room huh!!" Glimmer yelled

"Yes what were you two doing huh... did you two do i-"DT was was about to finish until I cut them off

"NO NO No we did not do what you all are thinking" I said

"THEN WHY IS SHE HERE!?" everyone yelled at the same time

"Okay okay damn guys chill" catra said

"Ugghhhhhhhh don't be so loud it's to early" Mermista said tiredly "

"My poor Mermista maybe a shanty will make you feel better, ohhhhhhh-" seahawk said and was interrupted

"Doooont do that" Mermista said as she splashed water onto his face

"Just continue explaining please." Perfuma said in a chipper tone

"Ok so Catra is moving in with me...." I said

"Wait...WHAT!" Everyone yelled at the same time

"Out of all the people why choose her a girl you've only know for like 24 hours just why!!" Glimmer yelled

"Catra do you want to tell them or should I ?" I asked while resting my hand on hers

" I'll tell them. So basically what happened was me and Adora paired up for a project and went to my house after my school. When we got there my mom was home early and as soon as I walked through the door my mom was yelling at me but when she saw Adora she stopped and the she started back up again threw me up against a wall tried to choke me Adora ended up knocking her out, she helped me pack everything and Adora found out that my mom abused me for 15 years and now here we are." She told them looking at me the whole time

"Wow I didn't realize she was that bad...." glimmer said

"But there is one thing you left out darling...." DT said "Why were you and Catra in the same bed...?" DT Asked with a mischievous smile on their face (😏 DT on the inside and Out. Adora and Catra 😶😐)

"If you guys are thinking what we both think your thinking your wrong" I said

" I couldn't sleep so I went into Adoras room and asked if I could sleep with her and she said I could okay that's all that happened nothing else." Catra said

"Mhmmm are you sure no touching no cuddling...." Bow said

"Do you really expect us to believe nothing else happened I mean look at you two!" Glimmer yelled and that's when I noticed that I was laying down with my head in Catras lap and I was holding onto her arm while she was stroking my hair and I think she noticed to cause her face went bright red and we both immediately got up and sat next to each other

"Guys we are just friends chill out." Catra said

" yeah she's right. And you know I used to do that with my mom, Mara, or razz when I have a nightmare just makes me feel safe and it comforts me....." I say " but now that you have you answers I know most of you have gotten your soulmates but did it hurt when you got the name on your wrist?" I ask

"I mean it hurt a little like it just stung for me and Entrapta" Perfuma says while looking at Entrapta

"It felt just like getting a tattoo" Scorpia said and Lonnie nodded

"It was the same for me and my sweet Mermista" and Mermista just looked at him and smiled and we all turn to look at Frosta and she's asleep

"Okay I think it's time everyone goes home, and can someone take Frosta home and also thank you all for coming" I say to everyone as they all leave besides glimmer and bow

"Adora can I ask you a question?" Catra asks and I nod my head " who's Mara and razz?" She asks

"Oh well Mara was almost like a sister to me and Razz is well I like to think of her as my grandmother but Mara went missing three years ago and Razz well you never know when Razz will show up" I say and chuckle a little

"Adora......" I hear someone with a raspy voice call my name and I turn to see who it is and I can not believe my eyes it was.....
"oh my god.....MARA!!" I yell running into her arms and we both fall over "oh my god is it really you! Where have you been, it's been three years?!" I cry into her shoulder and I hear her wince "oh are you okay, am I hurting you?" I start helping her up

"I-I'm okay..." she says but I know she's lying and once I get a full look at her I begin to worry she's covered in bruises, blood-whether it's her own or someone else's-, and scratches she was also clutching her side and just seconds later she collapses into my arms


Hello my lovelies yes I'm so sorry for the long wait I know I said I would post this weeks ago but I had to deal with some things so again so sorry for the long wait and again I'm sorry for the long wait but what do you think happened to Mara where was she? You'll find out in the next chapter but I have a surprise

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1.4K READS🥳 and just for that I will be releasing a new book!

I'm so excited you are in for one hell of a ride with this one first chapter will be out soon I hope and I'm sorry this was such a short chapter but goodbye for now

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I'm so excited you are in for one hell of a ride with this one first chapter will be out soon I hope and I'm sorry this was such a short chapter but goodbye for now

Word count: 1003

How did we end up as soulmates ( a catra x adora high school au / soulmates auWhere stories live. Discover now