Chapter 1 - "See You Soon"

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(POV Third Person)
It was a normal day in the Sky Joker. Hachi was cooking with Hoshi just hanging around him and eating his favourite Konpeito. What was unusual however, was Joker.

Joker was staying in his room, drawing and writing on a piece of paper. He seemed to be a bit apprehensive. Not only that, he was in his casual attire. And wearing glasses for unknown reasons to most. What has him apprehensive? Well, what had happened earlier is what.

(POV Joker)
I was in my room, planning out my tricks for the upcoming heist on a piece of paper. A quick glanced at the clock, made me realise I should probably pause my planning now, I put down my pencil and ball pen before hiding the piece of paper in one of my drawers. As I sat down on my bed, the events of earlier today re-played in my mind.


"Why did I have to be left alone like this......" I pondered alone in the backyard of Hachi's house.

We were visiting his family for the holiday. I tagged along with him because I had nothing to do anyway. Besides, it was nice to see them again. It kind of made me miss how someone would just greet me with a sense of kindness and familiarity, like mothers and sisters do. So seeing Hachi's family greet him, it kind of made me a little sad.

A sudden vibration in my pocket interrupted my thoughts. "Who could possibly be calling me now?" I wondered as I got my phone and answered it.

"Hello-" "Jack-kun" A voice that held warmth, yet sternness came from the other end of the line

"O-onee-san?!" my eyes grew wide as the words slipped through my tongue and processed through my mind.

"Yeah, it's me Jack. I wish I could talk with you longer right now, but there is not much time" I heard her say, and do I hear sadness and regret in her voice? Must be imagining things.

"What is it Ari-neesan?" I asked quietly

"Jack, please send an advance notice for the Blue Mermaid statue owned by Jirokichi-san. There just so happens to be a gem in its left eye, and I have to tell you some important information in person as soon as possible without drawing too much unwanted attention. As such, a heist is the best way" she explained.

I was about to reply when I suddenly heard a gun shot. Which, quite frankly, worried me due to the.... circumstances my sister tends to find herself in. Especially when it comes to life-death situations.

"Ari-nee are you alright?" slight panic very apparent in my voice. I mean, just how many times is she going to put herself in a life-or-death situation for God's sake!?

"Yes. I'm alright. No need to worry, Jack-kun" she reassured.

"Alright. See you soon, Ari-nee"

"Yeah, goodbye for now Jack"

And with that, she ended the call.

I left the garden, heading back towards the entrance of Hachi's home. I was figuring out how I was going to avoid suspicion from Hachi. Although, the thought of reuniting with my older sister after not being able to see her in the last -give or take- 8 years, could not keep the small smile on my face hidden.

As soon as I was in front of the door to the living area, where Hachi and his family were, I carefully hid any sad emotion behind my poker face.

I slid the door open, "Sorry to interrupt your family moment, but Hachi, we have to get going soon".

I disliked the fact that I always took Hachi away from his family, but it was his decision to leave his family and live with me mostly.

"Oh! Sure thing Mr. Joker" Hachi replied as he stood up. His parents looked at him with small smiles.

~Time skip in Flashback~

"Bye Hachi-niisan. Hope we see each other again soon"

"Take care sweetie, remember to keep in touch"

"Stay Safe"

They waved as we went higher up in the sky.

"YEAH! I'll bring back gifts and souvenirs for you when we come visit again" Was the last thing Hachi said before they were disappeared from our view and out of our hearing range.

"It must be great to have a big, happy family like Hachi's"

~Flashback End~

A sudden loud knock on my door broke me out of my thoughts and peacefulness.

"Mr. Joker, the Hamburger Steak is done. Better eat before it gets cold. I'll wait for you at the table" Hachi said through the door and soon left, based on the footsteps.

I glanced took one last time at an old photo of me with my parents before walking to the door to leave.

"Mataoune, Onee-san" (See you soon, Sis)

Word Count: 833
Thank you all for the  support! Here is the beginning of the re-write! Hope you enjoy it more  than the original because.... that thing is serious cringe. I will be  deleting that soon but, not yet. Also, as to not confuse anyone, I have 3  Author names. One for KJ [Arian Jones], one for other fandoms [Akina  Naragsak], and one for YouTube [not going to reveal that]. Although I  accidentally put my other Author name in the book cover so, sorry for  that. I will go back and fix it later. Once again, thank you for all  your support! ~Arian Jones

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