Chapter 4 - "But Three"

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(POV Third Person)
After Camille parked the car in front of the house, they exited and entered the mansion.

Despite having not been lived in for years, the house was very clean. Sure, there were a few specks of dust here and there, but overall it was pretty clean.

As they were walking down the halls, Camille spoke.

"I know this would come as a surprise to you, and I should have probably asked you two this earlier, but would the two of you be alright with revealing your identities to each other?"


"What?" The two were indeed surprised by this, why would she ask them anyway?

Though Jack was contemplating on telling, Kid made his mind up.

"If you think we need to do this I don't see why not," He knows Tantei-chan very well from their confrontations and collaborations, enough to know that she wouldn't ask that if there was any other option.

She of all people knew the importance of keeping a secret identity. "The fewer people who know you, the less likely you are to be found" she knows that rule the best and wouldn't break it without good reason.

As he heard Kid's answer, Jack started to feel a little guilty. He should trust his sister's judgement, it hasn't left them astray yet, but he supposed it was a sign he really hasn't spent as much time with his sister as he should have. He won't deny, that someone completely unknown to him trusting his own sister more hurt him a little.

"I don't mind."

When they finally entered the sound-proof basement, Kid and Joker took to a corner opposite of each other, piles of boxes blocking them from the view of sight of both each other and Camille as they changed into their civilian selves.

"Kaitou?" "Jack?" The two looked at each other in surprise. Blinking to double-check they were not seeing things.

"Surprised? Well, take a seat because we need to get down to business. You two can mildly interrogate each other later." Camille, now in her civilian Detective clothes as Arian, set down a tray of hot chocolate and water down on the small coffee table in the room that was situated in between 3 seats.

The two boys happily took the mugs of hot chocolate and drank some before either setting it back down or positioning it on their lap.

"So Onee-san, what did you need to tell us that was important enough to hold a heist?" and take a temporary antidote went unsaid.

The girl sighed into her drink for a moment before speaking.

"I would love to delve into the details immediately, but for that, both of you need context on certain things.

"Firstly, Kaito, do you remember those news reports last year about the explosion in the Statue of Liberty?"

Kaito blinked in surprise before nodding, "Heard of it from the Blond British Bastard."

Arian rolled her eyes. Hakuba may be a bit stuck-up, but he wasn't that bad.

"Briefly put, that was caused by Professor Clover, who's a... 'scientist' that held a rather extreme dislike and hatred for particular Phantom thieves. It just so happened that Jack here was one of them. A fight to save someone's life occurred and resulted in that explosion." Jack nodded at Arian's wording. It was close enough and had enough details to not mention the more complex importance of it and all, especially the time-witch stuff.

"As on the other hand, Jack, do you remember that magician uncle of ours I used to mention?" Jack nodded in affirmation. "He died in an accident, yeah?"

It was then that he noticed Kaito's shaking clenched fist and Arian biting her lips and looking at the former in worry.

"Though," looking between the two, he sighed, "I'm starting to doubt that from your reaction."

She nodded, "He was a Phantom Thief too. He made, to put it briefly, extremely dangerous enemies the moment he became a phantom thief to save someone.

"When they found out his civilian identity, they murdered him under the guise of a magic trick gone wrong. It... them murdering him after Okaa-san and Tou-san's death was the reason I became a phantom thief in the first place, in order to lure them out. As you know, though, it didn't last long since I was shrunken." The two nodded, not saying a word. They all knew how hard it still is for her to really talk about that bit.

"Now that the slight background is out of the way, let's get to the main reason I called you over.

"As we were looking through the files regarding professor Clover, along with the information from the interrogations, it was revealed he has a younger brother, one who took control of any remainder his older brother's syndicate had." Jack's eyes narrowed by a fraction, his grip on the couch's armrest tightening ever so slightly.

"As we know, the MKO, an acronym of whatever the true name of their syndicate is, turned out to be a branch of a main Criminal Syndicate. One all of us know rather well. The main branch's agents have codenames of alcoholic beverages." She paused, observing the reactions of the two to see if they figured it out.

"You mean the Black Organisation, don't you?" Jack finally asked.

She nodded. "Yes, that or the shadow syndicate. Still no lead on their name. The main branch and side branch usually keep their operations entirely separate, however, we found out recently, they started coordinating more. Not just them, either, but including the second Professor Clover."

The two boys' breaths hitched. That, was absolutely horrible. It was already hard enough dealing with just one at a time, but three?

Arian sighed, "We're continuing this conversation 2 days from now, on Sunday. The FBI, CIA, and PSB will all be present as well in that meeting in order to discuss further actions. A number of NOC agents will be present, and I ask you two to come as Phantom Thieves. You may choose whether to reveal your true identity, but you must know that should you reveal it then, our chances of bringing them down will increase. There isn't any need to worry about them spilling your civilian identity either, the agents there are either NOCs, or trustworthy agents who know about NOCs and their identities."

"Well, on a lighter note," Arian clasped her hands together, "We should really get some sleep now."

The two nodded, it was getting late, and they had a lot to think about.

"Hey, you two wanna come over to my place? It's pretty late, Edoka's rather far from here, and I'm certain you don't want to face Ran's wrath."

Arian snorted, "Obviously not. Who in their right mind would anyway. Kaito? What do you think? Wanna join us or head back to Edoka?"

"I think I'll join you two with the Sky Joker idea. More gaming time, right?"

"Even with Jack's assistant?"

"Tu tu tu," Kaito waved his finger simultaneously. "I am a master of disguise, am I not? Otherwise, I wouldn't have-- OW" Kaito screeched in pain as she glared and stepped on his foot. Hard.

"Kaito, finish that sentence, and I won't show you any mercy at the next heist."

Jack sweatdropped, though a small smile showed on his face.

"Good to know some things haven't changed one bit."

Word Count: 1217
Hello everyone, happy Kagerou Day/Death day! How'd you find the chapter? Any comments are appreciated because I do not want to be reminded that the real world sucks and I have exactly 1 week left of freedom before school starts. I'll try to get to replying to comments as soon as I can, but it's hard when I managed to injure my hand every other week to the point I've actually ran out of band-aids. They're mostly just deep-ish cuts but the band-aids make it hard to type on both phone and laptop.

So, extra thingy that's kinda self-promo? I have an AO3 account where I publish my Pokemon fics (I swear we need more gen/not ship-centred fics in that fandom) and if you want to read a champion ash fic that has angst and is also part chat-fic you might wanna give it a try.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2022 ⏰

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