Chapter 3 - "Back Home"

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(POV Third Person)
Jack was sitting by himself with a drink as he waited for midnight to strike, signalling the beginning of the heist.

"Darn, every time I remember why my dad and sister didn't like these things. Going to these things alone's always a bore," Jack sighed as he got up and made his way towards the Drink station to get something.

He vaguely took note of some girls fangirling for God knows what reason, and decided on a glass of Palauxma.

Just as romantic waltz music started playing, he groaned, though he blinked to process the realisation that 1, he was not the only one staying here to escape the snobbishness of some rich people, and 2, SOMEONE ELSE WHO IS NOT A SNOBBISH BASTARD IS HERE! Or at least, hopefully, they aren't a snobbish bastard.

The two turned and were, a little surprised to see each other again.

"Ah, you're the one from earlier?"

"Yeah, your name's Kaitou right? I'm Jones Jack, nice to meet you"

"Yup! Kuroba Kaito, Magician extraordinaire at your service" Kaito got out a yellow rose and handed it to Jack.

"A yellow rose? Friendship?"

"Bingo! Though I feel like I should know your name from somewhere?"

"Probably heard of my parents? They were pretty well known"

"Hm, I dunno. Anyway, what brings you to this boring party of Rich people besides the fact of you being rich?"

"Familial connections or something of the sort. Basically, I can't refuse because of the background history and ties my family has to the Suzuki family or something. You?"

"First of, damn sucks to be you. Second, My friend's father, Nakamori-keibu, is here on business to catch Kid. And Aoko being Aoko, decided to drag me along too."

"Nakamori-keibu? The inspector in charge of the Kid Taskforce of Division 2?"

"Yeah, trust me when I say Aoko, his daughter, is just as Anti-Kid as him!"

The two continued to quietly converse about snobbish rich bastards and the like, to many other varying topics that could range from Kaito's Magic tricks to other Codes for heists and speculating magic.

Admittedly, on the topic of magic, both said accurate things of what happened to them, but in a way that was easily misinterpreted that they both thought each of the other was joking.

"Good to know they get along. Now, things are definitely going to get interesting from here on out." The two were so focused on their conversation that they had failed to notice someone watching them on the sidelines.

The two teens had continued their conversation to a fairly secluded table as they drank and ate some food, away from the fangirls and some fanboys who were going crazy about some celebrities who arrived.

~Time Skip~

"Well, it was nice meeting you Kaitou, sadly I have to get going now. Hope to see each other under better circumstances without snobbish bastards eh?"

"Indeed! See ya"

The conversation lasted a lot longer than the 2 had thought it would. In fact, both only realised there were only 10 minutes before midnight because of hearing Nakamori shout to the taskforce to be on guard and more vigilant.

As soon as Jack was nowhere in sight, Kaito turned around and quietly made his way around.

"Well Jack, I'll put on a show to make these snobbish bastards pee their pants for our sakes alright!" Oh, this will be just fun ~

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