Chapter 2 - "Kaitou"

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(POV Third Person)
The next day, Jack was cleaning out his sister's room while Hachi was asleep. Though he would normally prefer to wake up late, he would not really want his sister to stay in a dirty room while she was with him in her normal form. As he finished cleaning, he just realised.

How exactly was she going to be in her normal form and for how long?

The realisation made him physically face-palm. "I swear to God. Stupid dead brain cells," he mumbled under his breath.

After that, he took one of his secret tunnels back into his room. Just in case Hachi was already awake.

"One day left to go. I already sent my advance notice, prepared my tricks, and cleaned her room. Ah, I can't wait to see her. When was the last time we talked to each other in person? At least..... 5 years ago I think?" Jack mused to himself as he lay down on his bed.

"Well, it's only 6 in the morning..... perhaps some games to appease my boredom? I probably won't get any more sleep at this point," He mumbled before getting back up to set the TV and controls for the game.

About an hour into playing the game, Hachi opened the door and let himself in.

"Mister Joker it's bad for both your eyes and overall health to play games first thing in the morning! Anyway, breakfast is ready!"

Joker internally sighed at Hachi's comment. "Either way Hachi, my eyesight is already so bad that I'm practically blind without either my contact lenses or glasses. Some extra screen time is not going to change anything"

"Alright then, let's go!" While his mental response was a mix of sarcasm and deadpan, on the outside he simply seemed cheerful at the prospect of food.

After turning up his gaming set-up, he made his way to the kitchen and ate the delicious food.

"Ah, 12 hours left before the party and the heist." Joker noted as he saw the time displayed on the clock.

~Time Skip~

Jack plopped down on his bed as he entered his room.

"A few minutes shouldn't hurt," he mumbled as he fell asleep on his bed, still in his Kaitou attire.

When he finally woke up from his nap, the clock on his table side read 12:30.

"I slept for 3 hours...... just how lucky am I today?" that was the last coherent bit of his thoughts before his mind went into overdrive.

Which, to be fair, is pretty reasonable considering how unlucky most people in his family were. Particularly his older sister and father. Whether it was just a detective thing or a Jones thing to run into at least 4 cases a week and have pretty horrible luck, he was really not sure at this point.

"Mister Joker! We have horrible news, turn on your TV!" Hachi's shout as he entered the room made the albino pause in his thinking.

Joker did as Hachi said, since it wasn't like he had anything better to do anyway.

News(DJ Peacock): "Ladies, Gents, and all in between! Kaitou Joker announced he would steal the legendary blue mermaid statue tonight at 12:00 midnight, but he was not the only one who had this idea. So he will be facing not one, but TWO LEGENDS! We have the Moonlight Magician, Kaitou Kid! And we have the Dazzling Kaitou Camille as the other! JUST HOW WILL THIS TURN--?!"

Jack closed the Television and smirked, ignoring Hachi's worried shouts.

"So, a contest huh?" Then a thought struck, "Who the hell was the third person? Kid, right? Was this Onee-chan's doing or is the third Kaitou going to try and completely screw and cause us a shitty night?"

As soon as Hachi left the room, he took out his private phone and messaged his death magnet of a sister.

~Private Chat: Jack and Ari-nee~

Jack: Hi Onee-chan! I saw the news, do you know the third Kaitou? Do I need to bring the footballs?

Arian: 1) Yes I know Kid. 2) No need, he's on our side despite how much we tend to throw curses and swears at each other every time

Jack: ..... Should I be concerned?

Arian: No need. I need to go now Jack, class is about to start

Jack: Okay, bye Onee-chan. See you then

Arian: Likewise Jack. And prepare to get your ass handed to you

Just as he pressed the power off button, he turned his phone on again to double-check if he read the last message right, meaning he put his glasses on instead of his contacts.

"Alright who the bloody hell pissed her off this time?"

~Time Skip~

As Hachi and Jack were on the road, heading towards the heist location, Hachi spoke.

"Hey Mister Joker, can I ask you something?"

Jack glanced at Hachi before turning his attention back to the road "Sure, ask away"

"Well, I don't mean to be intrusive but, is there something bothering you about this heist? You've been pretty quiet about it, is it Kaitou Camille and Kaitou Kid bothering you?"

"It's nothing Hachi, if anything, I just can't wait to hold the bragging rights over Spade and Queen" Joker outwardly smirked, causing Hachi to deadpan. Knowing full well that Joker was going to brag about winning against two 'legendary phantom thieves' to the two of them since, well, none of them have actually gone against their master in a race for a treasure.

Though inwardly, Jack cringed at Hachi's guess. It was a little too close to the truth for comfort. While yes, he was wondering a little about Kaitou Kid, because he swears he has heard that name somewhere before. His main thought was about his sister, who is Kaitou Camille. And honestly, he was worried about what his sister deemed important enough to tell that she took an antidote just to set this heist up for the sole purpose of meeting and discussing this. Considering they have not even seen each other in person for years, this is a major cause for concern.

As the two were exiting the car in the lot, Joker accidentally bumped into someone.

"Ow" As soon as the two recovered a little from bumping into each other, the stranger looked down.

"Sorry about that"

"No worries, it was my fault for not paying attention"

The stranger was just about to pull something out, or Joker assumes he was, before being cut off by a yell in the distance

"KAITO! Come on we need to register already!"

"Mattaku" 'Kaitou' mumbled under his breath before turning around to Joker "Sorry again about bumping into you, see you" turning back and running to the girl in the distance before Jack could do anything about it.

"Kaitou? Who on earth names their Kid 'Phantom Theif'?"

Word count: 1139


Hello everyone, so how did you find this chapter? A quick note about the last part, you all probably already know who Kaito is don't you? Well another thing, so as you see Kaito is Kuroba Kaito's name. While Kaitou is the Japanese for Phantom Thief. The reason why Joker thinks Kaito's name is Kaitou, as in phantom thief, is because honestly, it is one letter difference, not much change in pronunciation, and how would you know the spelling of a person's name when you just bumped into them? So that's why Joker assumed the spelling is Kaitou. Really though Toichi, why did you name your child after your profession? Spelling aside, you name your child after your secret profession and double life why?

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