chapter 1(unedited)

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"Mom? look, look." "what my baby?" "mom do all dad always behave like this?" "huh?what do you mean my love?" "that man is carrying his baby on his shoulder,he is playing with him,his baby is kissing him.And look he is also kissing that lady.He is tickling his baby like you do mom.Mom why dad do not play with me like that man?do dad not like adam?"

His mom was looking her baby boy,how can she reply her baby that their family is not like everyone,their family is not normal.How can she say that all dad are like that man who love their child more than anything except some cruel ,heartless people and his father is one of them.But she cant say hurt her baby by saying that how his father she says the things which she always tells her baby boy "baby,who says dad do not like adam.There is no one who do not like adam,adam is a good are momma's angel boy.Dad loves you too but you know na dad is super busy with his work thats why he dont play with you" "but mom he is always angry,why momma,dont he know how to smile?momma should i show him?"

Her breath hitched by his saying,she dont want her baby around his dad.She dont want  see her son to his wrath like she did.She dont want her son to see , to heard those scream that she usually make while he..." "mom?should i show him?" "no baby mommy will show daddy how to smile.Baby its getting late, we should go." "ok mommy" little adam held his mommy's hand but not before he took a glance behind him where was that man and his family was laughing happily.He fixed his mind to show his dad how to smile then they will play just like everyone.

They reached home and his mother told him to have his shower.But he is being a naughty boy so he ran away and tease his mom to catch him.After playing tom and jerry games with his mom she finally catch her naughty boy.Then she took him to have bath and after that she feed him his food.He always loves his mom's food.For him it is always best from everything.He always make sure to praise her food because its really tasty and it also makes his mom smile.

Though he was four but he always make sure to do everything to make his mom smile.He really loves his mom's smile.He now wants his dad to smile like this,with him,with his mom.Then they will become like that family.

He wanted to meet his dad before sleep but his mom always make sure to make him sleep before his dad come home.He wanted to play with his dad but his mom said that good boy should always sleep on time and it will also make his mom and dad happy.He always  wanted to be a good boy to his parents thats why he always listen to his mom.But he miss the time to meet his dad and when he wake up his dad would be left from work.Sometimes he becomes sad but his mom said that his dad is busy and after completing his work then they will go for a picnic.So always pray to god before sleep so that god can help his dad to complete his dad's work so that they can go for a picnic as a family,like his friends.With that he went to sleep.

He was sleeping siddenly a loud sound make him wake up.He is a heavy sleeper but what made him wake up he wonder.He heard that sound again but he was confused from where the noise was coming from?His room was in downstairs.So he wake up from his bed to see where his mom so he could ask his mom whats happening.

He went upstairs to see what's happening because those noises was coming from upstairs.The more he was going up the more those noises were getting louder.When he went to parents room he noticed that the door of their room's was slightly open.He saw his father was smiling.He became so happy to see his dad smile.Then he realize his smiling was weird.He was looking scary.But his mom always told him that when a person smile ,he looks beautiful,he looks sweet.But why his dad was not looking beatiful,why he was looking scary?and where his mom? he opened their door more to see where his mom was?but the scene he saw ,no four year old boy should see this...he didnt realized that it will haunt him forever in his life and will suffocate him for his whole life........

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