Chpt 15: Final night

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Dave: So how exactly are we going to fight a literal God?

Shazam: I'll handle Darksied since my powers are based on magic.

Blade: Makes sense.

Superman: Okay everyone, it's now or never. Let's go save the world or die trying.

Foxy: Ehh let's not focus on the dying part okay savvy?

Green lantern: You hard the man! Let's rooooooooooock!!

Everyone starts running with weapons ready and Darksied's army right in front of them. Blade having to have experience with force uses a powerful force push to fling away a large amount of parademons out of the way. Shazam flies over to land a powerful punch on Darksied only to be stopped by his palm. He throws Shazam right to Foxy as he ran at him.
Foxy and Shazam quickly get back up to face against several parademon brutes and blasters. Jar–jar and Dave where right in the middle surrounded by Parademon blasters and none of them had any weapons to fight with.

Dave: Well I guess this is–

Jar–jar: Oh a silverfish.

Jar–jar drops to the ground to get the silverfish and so does Dave as the Parademons begin to fire. As as they dropped, the parademons begin firing upon themselves instead. After they're all dead Dave and Jar–jar get back up to see that they are safe once again.

Jar–jar: *slurps up silverfish* mmm Thatsa was muy delicious.

Dave: Jar... remind me to have you with me in case anything like this happens again.

Meanwhile Brock goes hand-to-hand with the brutes while Hawkgirl fights off the flyers and bashes their  heads in. Wonder woman and Aquaman go head to head with their sword and tritent and Freddy and the gang use weapons Green lantern made to fight off the parademons after the motherbox. Blade notices the motherbox was still there and rushes towards it and stops the second he saw a omega beam come right through.

Blade: Superman you take care of him while I get the box.

Shazam goes with Flash and Cyborg to secure the motherbox from Blade while he goes to fight Darksied.

Blade: Hey grey head!

Darksied: !!!

Blade jump kicks Darksied right in the face to knock him back a little. Darksied then uses his omega beams again which would hit Blade directly if he hadn't used his lightsaber to block it. Ruby backs him up by shooting Darksied up with lots of sniper shots. It doesn't scratch him though since he's immune to dust based attacks from remnant's weapons.

Darksied: Don't think it will stop me girl.

Ruby: Then what will?

Darksied: I'll show you how.

His shoots his omega beams once more this time at Ruby when suddenly...

Blade: RUBY!

He stands right in front of the beams and suddenly his eyes turn from blue to a complete red when he actually shoots beams of his own to match Darksied's. Ruby is shocked to see Blade doing the same thing Darksied is doing and is having a power struggle with him. She gets the chance to stab Darksied with her scythe which actually wounds him. She runs next to Blade after he's done with the beam struggle.

Ruby: Blade. What was that?

Blade: I don't know.

Superman: Blade!

Blade: Superman!

Superman: You have the other box?

Blade: Shit! The other box.

He goes to grab the box with the purple glow, opens it and reveals a strange stone.

Shazam: What is that?

Blade: It's an infinity stone.

Blue: A what?

Blade: A stone that has a specific power to each stone.

Freddy: Which is that?

Blade: Power.

Shazam: And I'm supposed to use it against Darksied?

Blade: If you want to.

Freddy: I'll do it.

Chica: You can't! You'll die!

Freddy: I know. But it's a risk I'm willing to take.

Shazam: I'll help you with it.

Freddy: Thanks Shazam.

Flash: What are you waiting for!? Get him already!

Freddy: Alright!

They both go at Darksied as he found Mangle with motherbox and tries to grab it from her.

Darksied: Give me the box.

Mangle: Never!

Darksied: So be it.

Freddy: Hey Darksied! You want the motherbox? THEN YOU CAN HAVE IT!

Freddy and Shazam use the stone to punch Darksied while he was distracted long enough by the face so hard they punch him out of the planet and solar system. The parademons retreat due to Darksied's defeat and the heroes rejoice as the sun finally rises on the city in peace.

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