Chappy number two

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Shannon's writing- "Then you should stay away from me," she told him.
"Now you're being ridiculous."
He strode over to her, and she tried to back away but crashed into the wall.
"Oh I'm serious, Keefe."
"Oh, I know. But you're forgetting something Foster."
He was close enough to reach out and gently tuck her hair behind her ear as he leaned in to whisper, "I like a challenge."
His breath tickled her skin, and filled her stomach with fluttery things.
"Speechless again?" he asked, grinning as he leaned into whisper, "You know there's - end of Shannon's writing- other ways to be speechless."
And with that, Keefe leaned down to kiss her.
And Sophie was kissing her back. And she was thoroughly enjoying it-wait that didn't seem to make sense. She never liked Keefe... right? But her lips seemed to think differently as Keefe pulled her closer and she kissed him way too passionately for it to just mean nothing.
Sophie thought about all the times that Keefe had been there for her and how much she cared about him. No, she didn't like Keefe. It was different than with Fitz. It was... deeper, like they understood each other on a whole different level.
Yes, her mind trusted Fitz but... her heart trusted Keefe. She never felt like she had to act differently around Keefe. She felt safe and secure knowing that Keefe would never judge her in any way. Sure, Fitz probably wouldn't either but she had a much harder time believing that. She always felt slightly awkward with Fitz. Like she had to constantly prove herself. With Keefe she just felt... free.
I. Am. In. Love. With. Keefe. Secen. Wooooooooow.
"Something wrong Foster?" Keefe asked with a smirk. "I'm feeling some strange mood swings."
"It's absolutely nothing of importance." Sophie said with a smirk of her own.

A/N- So, I know this was short and kinda cringy but... i always wanted to rewrite that scene so now I did. Thanks for reading!


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