Chappy number five

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A/N here is what I promised you weeks ago. Merry Christmas! PS its a human AU.


This is it, Keefe thought, This is the day I've been preparing for since my life changed that one day in the hallway.




Keefe stared at the small ring in his hand. This was the ring that could change everything. The ring that could make his life the best it could possibly be. The ring that could ruin all hope of a happy ending.




Keefe quickly shoved the ring into a stack of mail as he heard footsteps approaching. Sophie almost walked into him her, eyes on her laptop.

"Hey, Foster." Keefe said stopping Sophie. He was starting to get nervous, and it wasn't even the most difficult part yet. "Do you want to go to Disneyland later?" Disneyland was their biggest tradition. Both Sophie and Keefe had grown up going, and that was where they had their first date. Though, Keefe didn't realize it at the time.

"Sure," Sophie said looking a little puzzled, "Are you okay? You seem kinda nervous." She laughed a little and looked back at her laptop, engrossed in her work.

Keefe watched her walk away, getting more nervous and unsure by the second. He pulled the ring out of the stack of mail, it was a simple and elegant design, made of silver with a small circular diamond in the center. He breathed calmly, knowing he was making the right decision.

~at Disneyland~

Keefe started to get nervous again as Sophie saw an add for a jewelry shop on the side of their tram, and winked at him. Does she know? How could she know?

Keefe was jittery by the time they made it inside the park. Sophie, on the other hand was oblivious to everything, and seemed to be enjoying herself.

"Do you want to start at the well?" Sophie had always gone to the wishing well when she went to Disneyland as a child, and that tradition carried onto them as a couple.

"Yeah." Sophie smiled, taking Keefe's hand and letting him lead her through the crowd.

The sun was setting as they turned the corner that led to the wishing well, and the light was romantic and beautiful.

Sophie, still oblivious, let go of Keefe's Hand and ran to look inside the well.

Keefe was starting to feel more calm as he stood looking at the well. He knew Sophie loved him, and he knew he loved her.

"How about you go first." Keefe handedSophie a coin, prompting her to make a wish.

As Sophie closed her eyes and threw a coin into the well, Keefe got on one knee and pulled out the ring.

"Sophie." she turned her head, surprised he used her name, and gasped.

Keefe began, "You know how we are always talking about Team foster-Keefe, and about how we will be together forever? Well I want to make it official. I love you to the moon and back, and I want to prove to the world I will stand by you forever." Sophie had tears running down her face, "Will you marry me?" Sophie was sobbing by then and she nodded at Keefe stood and pulled her into a hug.

They stood like that for what might have been forever, knowing that they both made the best decision of their lives. 

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