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All we do is drive

All we do is think about the feelings that we hide

All we do is sit in silence waiting for a sign

Sick and full of pride

She knew he was going to be inside that gym.

Elide got the courage to ask Rowan, her cousin's fiance that apparently knew Lorcan the best, if he knew a place where Lorcan would probably be alone, and the answer was 'he trains alone and hates people'. Well, Elide knew how socially awkward he could be.

The gym near the Stadium was easy to spot and there was only the receptionist when she asked for Lorcan. The person even said that they were closing so she should hurry up.

Her footsteps hesitates before going inside the room. His grunts could be heard from outside and suddenly it all felt too much, too painful.

Her back was to the door now, she sighed, she needed to do this if she wanted to move on. And before Maeve came, she wasn't sure if that devil would be making an appearance but she should be careful.

The door squeaked when she pushed it open, having a view of Lorcan's back muscles constraintinh while he pushed a weight up. He was with his earphones on so he hasn't notice her yet.

She took that chance to observe him. The fight took place three days before, yes she took some time to gather her courage. But his arm was bandaged and she noticed his body flinching a little when moving. He turned his face towards her when he decided to change positions and his face recoiled with surprise.

Elide was more worried with his black eye, who was still remarkably bloated, and the cut on his temple. The rest seemed normal, only the tired expression was new.

His earphones fell to the ground, and he took some steps to reach her, she knew he wanted to hug her or touch. But he also knew that she was mad at him.

"I'm here to talk."

Lorcan went to the bench near them, where his duffel bag sat all alone and open, exercise elastics, a shirt and his watch were some of the things that she could see inside of it.

He stayed silent through her movements, watching her and pleading with his eyes. Elide didn't know what he was pleading for, he knew it was too complicated and she would never share him with Maeve.

There as a moment of silence before either of them spoke, but then Elide needed to get through it before she chicken it out, like she almost did many times before arriving at the gym.

"Why did you kissed me if you were going back to Maeve?" It wasn't exactly what she intended to say but it was best to be straightforward. "Why did you agree to go on a date with me but went back to Maeve?"

Lorcan eyes became ice. A shadow penetrated his expression and he sighed, defeated.

"Anything I say will make you even more angry."

"Just say it, Lorcan! I'm done with you being all silent and vague...if you don't say something right now I'm going away and I will never see you again."

Elide feared that he would want that, for a moment she thought that he would say for her to go away and never seek him again. But his eyes panicked with her sentence so she hoped that he was sincere with the kiss they shared that day.

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