Chapter 1: Washington

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We all stared at Eugene.
"I'm not a scientist" he repeated.
"You mean you dragged us all out here for no god damn reason?!" Shouted Abraham.
"I'm...I'm so sorry".
"What kind of sick person would do that?"
"You mean you took us away from our family, a safe place, for nothing? You placed my daughter in danger for nothing!" Screamed Glenn.
"I needed there to be hope. We had to have hope. That's why I lied."
"Forget it. We're outta here. Maggie, Mckenzie, come on we're going to find the others."
The family began gathering there things and stood up to walk down the road.
"Guys come on, this is pointless. Think of your daughter!" Shouted Rosita.
"Leave it, they have made their choice" said Abraham.
---------------------------------------------- Glenn, Maggie and their daughter had been walking for a few hours now, and needed to find cover for the night.
"Dad, where are we going?"
Glenn looked at Maggie. "I don't know, but we have to find shelter soon, there could be walkers crawling all over this road".
"Mckenzie, make sure you have something to drink okay?"
Just then a walker appeared in front of them. Then another. Soon there was about 10 of them on the road.
"Dad...what are we going to do?" whispered Mckenzie?
All together, the small family ran for cover in the woods, making sure they stuck together.
"Glenn, that hut, we should get to it!" Maggie breathed.
They ran, reached the hut and bolted inside. Making a quick check for walkers, they collapsed on the floor.
Chapter 2:The church
Carl Grimes was trying not to think about his girlfriend McKenzie, but it was almost impossible. Horrible thoughts flashed through his mind and made him ache for the feeling of her warm body in his arms once more. Carl was experiences these thoughts when his father Rick appeared in the doorway.
"She'll be back Carl. She's strong"
"What, like mom was?". Carl regretted what he had said immediately.
"Fine." Rick left him alone then.
Now alone, Carl reached under his pillow and pulled out one of Mckenzie's jumpers. He inhaled it's sweet scent and then placed it back in his pillow for safe keeping.
Chapter 3:The hut
The Greene's/Rhee's were sat around a small fire together.
"Let's start heading back to the church in the morning?" suggested McKenzie. She was really missing Carl, and craved his warm voice.
"Sounds like a plan" smiled Maggie weakly.
"This isn't it. I know Eugene is a filthy liar but we still have plenty to live for. We have each other. We have the others back at the church. I have Carl(her relationship with him didn't embarrass her)and we still have life. Someone out there must have a cure, this can't be all there is"
"Your right Kenz, we gotta keep going, for each other". Said Glenn.
"I love you mom, dad" smiled Mckenzie.
"Right back at you baby" said Maggie.
A few hours later, Mckenzie was asleep on Maggie's lap and Maggie was snoozing on Glenn's shoulder. Glenn looked at them, smiled and thought"This is my reason for living". Then he fell back into a deep sleep.
Chapter 4:Reunited
The family of three had arrived at the opening to the church after 15 miles of waking. They knocked and waited. There family came to the door.
"Your back!" Smiled Rick.
Carl heard the commotion outside and ran to check it out. Then he saw her.
"Hey" Smiled McKenzie.
Carl ran at her and picked her up, and in response she wrapped her legs around him. The adults of the group just smiled, ecstatic for the young couple who would eventually take over the group.
"I've missed you so much baby" Carl said gently into McKenzie's ear.
She responded "I love you"
The adults, including both there parents went inside to give then their privacy. As soon as the door closed Carl pushed McKenzie up against the wall of the church and planted a gentle kiss on her lips.
"Baby...there's no cure"
"Eugene lied" she said with a sad smile.
"You know what? That's the adults problem. All that I care about is you and us and as long as I have you I don't care about anything. Your my life now princess".
McKenzie grabbed Carl's shoulders, spun him so he was on the wall and kissed him hard. He kissed back and they stayed this way for a few minutes. Then, remembering the others, they went inside, hand in hand.
"Do they know?" Asked McKenzie?
"We know" Said Rick.
Chapter 5:After
It had been a week since Mckenzie and her family had returned and herself and Carl were guarding the church and Judith whilst the others were on a run. Michonne was outside, walking the perimeter.
"Judith's just gone down" said Carl entering the main building from a side office.
"Awesome" said Mckenzie in a cheeky voice.
"I keep thinking what I would've done of you hadn't of come back"
"Carl no. I'm here, your here and we are together. That's how it's always gonna be from now on, okay?"
Mckenzie moved to sit opposite Carl and they kissed once on the lips.
"I love you baby" said Carl
"I love you more"
"Nah.." Carl bit his lip.
"Michonne is outside"
"She won't come in"
Carl grabbed Mckenzie, placed her on the floor and kissed her. They weren't going to have sex till they were 16, they had agreed, but they still liked to get close.
Carl kissed her harder and she responded. She pushed Carl's head towards her and kissed even harder. Things were getting very hot when they heard the cars return. They jumped up and sat on a pew next to each other.
When the others entered, they had a surprise for them. Pudding.
"No way...thank you!" They both said.
Rick smiled "What have you been doing then?"
Carl looked at Mckenzie and she looked down and smiled. "Oh you know, minding Judith".
"Right" said Rick

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