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It took a while to make her eyes more blue but it was worth it.

"They say I'm trouble,they say I'm bad

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"They say I'm trouble,they say I'm bad. They say I'm evil and that makes me glad." Mal smirked with blowing hair out of her face. She then turned to her half sister giving her the spray can.

"Yeah I'm a heartbreaker, yeah I'm a threat. Do that again. You will regret!" As she was singing her part of the song the VK's and her came up with when they were kids. The daughter of Ceil Clayton -- Clare-- pushed past Reign. Causing waves to roughly move back and forward,while her eyes shone a electric blue.

Clare ran as fast as her legs aloud her to. Reign's eyes went back to its normal blue color and the waves calmed down.

The sisters walked away to find their blue headed friend.

After the song

Mal stole a lollipop from a baby laughing as the baby cried. Reign secretly used her powers to dry the babies tears.

Reign has always had a soft spot for babies, they were too adorable to be mean to. But toddlers were a whole different breed.

Maleficent and her knukelheads men walk towards the group of teenagers.

"Stealing candy Mal, I'm so disappointed." Maleficent said while slowly shaking her head.

"I'm going home." Muttered the blue eyed girl, Maleficent looked at the girl staring daggers into her soul. But Reign was used to it. It didnt effect her anymore. But Maleficent didnt do nothing more. Already knowing she held great power.
Reign sat before a puddle,having it slowly rise. She then started to spin it a little.

Reign couldn't use half her magic but since her dad is a god, he asked fairy godmother to let use some of it.
Reign then stood up dust off her Jean's and ran home.

As she walked in the room all of the parents and kids were having a discussion.

"Regin!" Shouted Maleficent, the dark brunette girl looked up at her mother. Tapping her foot at a fast pace due to having ADHD.

"You, will be attending Auradon. Along with your sister and her friends. You will also help steal the magic wand." Maleficent told her eldest daughter,she then had both her children come towards her and said, " If you don't you're grounded for the rest of ya'lls lives!"

"What mom that's not fair!" Mal exclaim, throwing her hands up even more for dramatic effect. Reign wanted to say something. But she knew her mother wouldn't like it. Being the daughter of a God who is good for the most part didn't sit well with Maleficent. Unless Maleficent says she can Regin wont speak. If she does, she gets a slap to the face. It's been happening since she was a kid so she has gotten used to it.

Mal tries to help but Reign doesn't want her getting hurt. Mal always gets their mother's attention off of Reign. It helps them both in some way. Makes Mal feel wanted and Reign gets one less beating.

Maleficent was giving Mal her spell book.
"I was going to give it to Reign, but since she can't read! I will give it to the better daughter." Snickered Maleficent making fun of Reign yet again.

Reign could read just not in English,being a demi-godess had its perks. This is not one of them.

Her mind is programmed to read ancient Greek, causing her to not be able to understand English words written down. Some say she has deslixsia, if that's what it's called. Reign could really care less.

The five teenagers sat in the black limo. Jay and carlos pigging out all over the sweets held inside. Carlos then pointed out that they were crossing over the barrier. Causing everyone but Reign and the driver to freak out. The driver didn't freak cause he knew about the magic walk or drive way. Regin didn't freak cause,they would fall into water. And she could easily save them.
[Sorry for all the skips]

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2020 ⏰

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