Chapter 6

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"Y/N! Y/N!" You heard your name being called from behind you. You turned around to see Anakin jogging to catch up to you. "Hello Anakin." You said as Anakin approached you. A wide grin was spread across his face, your heart skipped a beat as his beautiful smile. "I have wonderful news." He said as he walked along side you. "Oh? And that'd be?" You asked, anticipating this 'news' he had for you.

"Obi-Wan was supposed to come along with me to the negotiating on Naboo, however he's needed on Ryloth. So, they assigned you to come along with me. Since you will soon be training as my apprentice they thought it would be a good starting mission for you." He explained to which you smiled. "That is wonderful news! I'm excited to go with you, Master Skywalker." You smiled up at him.

Soon enough you were already stepping off of the ship that had brought you to Naboo. It was stunning. You didn't even think Earth had any place similar to it. You looked around in awe. "I've never seen anything more beautiful." You said as you looked around. "I certainly have." Anakin stated and you looked up at him. "Really?" You asked and he smiled as he looked down at you. "It's a lot closer than you think." He said to which you only grinned, a hint of confusion lingering on your face since you wanted to know what it was, but Anakin wouldn't go into any further details. Most likely because he was referring to you, but he would keep that a secret, for now.

"Welcome, Jedi." You heard a female voice and you turned to see a young lady with smooth brown hair and brown eyes greet the two of you. You suddenly felt a sense of pain, but not from yourself. From Anakin. You looked over at him only to see him smiling, but you knew that wasn't his real smile. "Senator Amidala, it is a pleasure." Anakin said as he bowed, you followed his lead. "This is my apprentice, Y/N." He said, introducing you. You smiled at the senator but she did not return the friendly gesture, instead a glare as if she disapproved of you. You gulped but continued on as she began walking. 

"We appreciate you for coming to discuss the new treaty that will be put in place. We love the Republic and with the old treaty ending we hope to have a new one with the Republic. Perhaps one that can serve us both well." Senator Amidala said. You trailed behind the pair as they walked in front of you. You could still feel a pain lingering from Anakin, which was highly confusing to you but you decided it wasn't the best time to discuss that now.

The three of you had soon reached the center of the palace. Where the queen and other senators from other planets sat. Anakin sat down and you stood slightly behind him at his left side. He and the queen along with other senators discussed the new treaty they would be putting in place. You honestly had no idea half of the things they were discussing, only that more trading would pursue and in favor more clones would be stationed on Naboo. You stood idle the entire time, making sure your gaze wouldn't be on a senator or the queen for too long so you wouldn't seem disrespectful.

Although it was hard not to look at the queen. Her outfit was very... interesting but you knew it was just customs, which you didn't judge her for it. In fact, it was quite fascinating to you. "Now tell me again why the Chancellor didn't come to discuss the treaty instead of some... Jedi?" A senator questioned. You could sense he didn't have faith in Anakin which slightly irritated you but you reassured yourself that the senator in question of Anakin surely didn't even have any idea about who he was talking to. "I can reassure you, Clovis, Master Skywalker is one of the Chancellor's most trusted. As well as you know there is never enough security for him outside of Coruscant. We must make sure he is safe. But we will hear from him tomorrow." The queen said. You could feel anger boiling in Anakin. You subtly put your hand on his shoulder in an attempt to calm him. Which actually worked to your surprise, as well as no one seemed to noticed. 

You however, noticed during the meeting that whenever the man named Clovis seemed to speak, Anakin's rage would increase, at some points you would have to clear your throat to remind him of where he is. But you meant no disrespect by it, and Anakin knew this. Anakin was grateful you were able to come along. "That shall be it for now. You may rest in your chambers. We will discuss this more tomorrow." The queen said as she stood, dismissing the senators as well as yourself and Anakin. Everyone stood and left. You followed Anakin out and when it seemed clear of any other senators you walked beside Anakin. 

"Master Skywalker, is everything alright?" You asked, concerned for him. He had been acting so strangely ever since he had seen Senator Amidala. "Why do you ask?" He questions to which you huff, making sure to pick the right words to not upset him. "Well, I just sensed some... Strong emotions from you." You said to which Anakin halted, causing you to suddenly stop as well. You turned around and looked up at him. His posture was stiff and his facial features had harden and you were beginning to sense a bubbling anger festering within him.

"I'm fine Y/N. I recommend you stay out of this one." He said sternly, catching you off guard. He never acted this way towards you. Whatever it was must have been deep-rooted. You only wanted to help him, and by him bottling it in you knew wasn't healthy. "But Master-" You began to which Anakin stepped forward and towered over you. "I said. Stay out of this one. Y/N." He said harsher than the last time. You looked down and clenched your fists tightly, your knuckles turned white as you inhaled deeply. It wasn't fair, he kept these things from you when you trusted him enough to open up to him. 

"Yes. Master." You said through gritted teeth. You turned around and walked to some doors that lead to the outdoors. "Hey, where are you going?" Anakin asked and you stopped and turned your head so you could see Anakin using your peripheral vision. "For a walk." You stated. You knew you needed to take a breather and clear your head. When he hadn't said anything you continued your way out the door. Once you were out of his sight you walked away from the palace and down to the meadows.

Nature always calmed you, and with the planet being much more beautiful than Earth, it was very peaceful. You took a deep breath in a closed your eyes. You sat down and sat in the meditating position. You felt the sun kiss your skin as the tall grass around you rustled as the slight breeze passed through them. You kept your eyes closed, wanting to enjoy this peace forever. 

Sadly for you, it wouldn't last long. 

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