Chapter 11

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Overthinking tended to be your weakness in serious cases, sometimes just in general. "Hey! I see something!" The youngling pointed at a wall above the two of you. You felt bad for the youngling as they'd most likely have to scale a wall to get their crystal. "Good luck." You smiled, and she smiled with determination as she began to climb the icy wall. You continued onwards. It felt as if you were searching forever. Soon you came to a dead end and you let out a breath of disbelief. Your crystal wasn't anywhere to be found. You pressed your back against the wall and slid down until you hit the floor. You held your head in your hands. You were at a loss, what were you supposed to do now? You'd be trapped in this icy cave for who knows how long. You may even die in the cave. You let out a hefty sigh in defeat. 

Until you heard something. It was a little ringing, not like ringing in your ears but like little bells. You lifted your head to see the room had brightened substantially. You turned around to find the source of the light in the wall. You got up off of the ground in awe. This was it, this was your crystal. Now to get it out of the wall. You pressed your hands against the wall and directed all of your focus in the Force to break the wall you pressed harder against it and the wall shattered, except when you opened your eyes all of the shards hadn't fallen but were still floating in the air. You weren't focused on that at the moment as you walked towards your crystal. 


"I've got mine!" Another youngling had run out from the cave that was quickly freezing shut. Anakin looked at the entrance of the cave impatiently. "No need to worry, there is." Yoda said as he stood next to Anakin. "We should just check on her..." Anakin began and he stepped forward but Yoda pressed his staff against Anakin's shin. "No, must face this on her own, she has to." Yoda said and Anakin exhaled forcefully. 

Soon the wall was only a few meters from closing and Anakin's patience was growing quite thin. He worried for you, he didn't want you trapped in there. Every second the wall of ice continued to close. Closer and closer it was getting to the ground, and with each centimeter Anakin grew more and more worried. 

Finally, the icy wall closed, and you were nowhere to be seen. Anakin clenched his jaw as he balled up his fists. "Padawan Y/L/N is still in there!" One of the younglings said and they all grouped up by Yoda and Anakin. "We need to help her!" Another said but Yoda shook his head. "Help her we will not. Her path, this is." Yoda explained and the younglings looked at one another worriedly. 

Suddenly the ice cracked. It wasn't a small one either, it was large almost looking like a really messed up spider web. The ice wall then shattered into a million pieces. Anakin saw you holding your hands out, you had broken the thick ice wall with the force. Anakin could have sworn his heart skipped a beat. "Y/N." Anakin breathed out and you opened your eyes, when you did the ice shards fell before you. You stepped out and heard the cheers of the younglings.

"Well done, Y/N." Yoda complimented you and you bowed, "Thank you, Master Yoda." You replied and walked up to Anakin who was recollecting himself from fear you weren't going to make it out. "Miss me, master?" You asked cockily and Anakin rolled his eyes. "Never." He replied and you laughed. 

You returned to the Jedi temple, you had already completed your lightsaber alone with no instruction since you were a padawan. "You did well today." Anakin praised as he walked alongside you. "Thank you, master." You smiled as you kept your eyes forward. "We leave for a mission tomorrow" Anakin informed you and you looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "We leave first thing in the morning." He said and you nodded understandingly. When you kept walking to your quarters, Anakin followed you. You looked at him curiously, "Uh, your quarters are the other way, Master." You reminded him and he smiled as he looked down at you. "I know. I just think accompanying you would be nice." He smugly smiled and you rolled your eyes.

"Whatever you say, master."

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