《 The Start of The Hunt 》

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less than 24 hours when he finally felt a little bit better, Vongola held an emergency meeting with the main-alliance bosses.

"—are you sure to do this, honey?" Asked Renata as she helped her lover.

"You know that we can wait for tomorrow or something right, amore?" Renato added, seemed just as worried.

Yet, Tsunayoshi just smiled, "It's alright, I can manage it."

"If you feel the opposite, just call us."

"—if you collapsed instead, I swear I'll double your paperwork"

"Make it triple, bro" Renata said.

"Ah, I almost gone soft. Thanks sis"

The sky can only sweatdropped at his ex-tutors slash lovers.

"Anyhow, are you going to announce about you two?" Asked the hitwoman.

Tsunayoshi hummed, "It's only fair for Yoshi. Besides. I need to explain to them too. If I couldn't make it, can you pass it to my guardians at the very least?"

Renata sighed exasperatedly, "who in the right mind would held a meeting when having 39°C of fever?"

"This idiot apparently" Renato pointed at the brunet who blushed.

"Hey! You two agreed to it!" he huffed, arms crossed.

"Well, yeah. That doesn't make you less an idiot." Renato stated, pushing his wheel chair.

"Fair point" TsunaYOSHI chimes in, eyes flashed jade a bit before TSUNAyoshi groaned. "You. Zip"

brown pair soon returned, the owner rubs his temple afterwards. "Guys, can you lend me a hand on this?" he asked in plea to the fedora twins who shared a look before giving a peck to each of his cheeks. Blushing hard, Tsunayoshi could tell that the two finally calmed down and getting silent in embarrassment instead, he chuckled himself.

"Thank you, sunshines" he said in sincere, earning nods from the two who's trying to contain their own smiles. Putting aside the emotions for now, they helped Tsunayoshi get on his feet as the brunet fixed his tux. 

The two opened the door as the sky walked in, boss Aura coming of him as if he's not on verge of passing out. They skipped the formal greetings per his request. "Good morning, everyone" he said instead.

To which everyone responded respectfully.

Checking for brief attendance— Giotto and his guardians, Secondo with his rain, His own guardians, Talbot, Enma, Byakuran, Yuni, Dino, Kawahira, and Bermuda. Good.

"Before I start this meeting, it seems like I owe you some explanation regarding the last event. I'm pretty sure you have been notified?" He turned to the bosses that weren't present at the time, they nods anyway.

"Right. So, like what 'Tsuna' and 'Yoshi' has explained earlier, They are pieces of soul that used to belong to Giotto di Vongola and Ricardo di Vongola, due to certain event, there's regret left behind. I was an empty shell, and thus we clicked and integrated as one, though as some of you has witnessed, they can split up from me. Alas, they are still a part of me."

"How... did that happen, Tsuna-san?" Yuni asked, like most of them confused with the new info. 

The brunet just flashed a smile before signing to Tabolt to hand him the book he's been kept for centuries.

"This book, held the answer which I just find out myself not so long ago." he said, waving the black leathered book idly. "So, apparently I'm tied into some sort of prophecy, and I'm what they said to be Titolare"

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