Hear Me Nicholas

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Title: Hear Me Nicholas

Author: @AllTimeBookWorm

Genres: General Fiction, Romance

Rating: PG-13

Summary: The reason for my sadness was beyond my reach. Maybe, if I knew the reason why, I could fix it. Despite everything I don't ask people for an explanation, especially an explanation for something I don't even understand. I simply ask to be heard. For people to hear me and he did. Louella-Mae Willingham is searching for something beyond the word meaningful hoping it will somehow awaken her to life. Knowing that if she didn't find her purpose, her answer, she would be checking out early. Until one morning, she crosses paths with Nicholas Prezlocki an old high school classmate who now appeared to be a bearded man sleeping on the street alley. Indeed homeless. Louelle should feel satisfaction that the once Mr big shot Prezlocki who found it amusing to make her High school experience hell is now face to face with karma. But shes not, because he was just like her. Drenched in despair and sadness. Together they might be able to figure out how to crawl out from the six sided pits of darkness by simply hearing each other out.



My oh my, here we are for my second undiscovered Gem. Now before we start I want to scold myself. When I clicked on this book I was almost skeptical to read it. Why you may ask? Well, I'll tell you why. I am among the majority of people who don't liked to be shown the pain and depression people go through. For me to acknowledge that our world is filled with such evil scares me. And just reading the Summary of this book struck this fear in me. But all in all, I took a deep breathe and carried on.

Now I have high expectation when it comes to imagery and emotion in a story and to say the least Hear Me Nicholas goes above and beyond my expectations. Just reading her prologue and first chapter had me in tears. Some of you might be thinking I'm over exaggerating but I'm not. AllTimeBookWorm writing is that powerful. Just after reading the first couple chapter I was drawn into the story line and all the characters. In fact I see myself as a Louelle, a woman has been dealt the wrong hand in life. But although this book hits close to home, it's also a source of inspiration. For anyone who needs to see the light at the end of their very dark tunnel this book is the perfect remedy.

Now I won't lie, there is not point in me doing so. I would have never found this book without the help of HannahRose (the author of Through The Broken Glass). I hope she isn't embarrassed or mad that I'm calling her out. My apologies if I did.

After I had published my critique on her story she had PM me and told me how big of an inspiration AllTImwBookWorm was to her. The way HannahRose spoke of this author drew me to this book. As a reader she had explained to me that AllTimeBookWorm goes deep in the achieves of secretes the world wants to sweep away. And the fact that ATBW had this effect on her readers amazed me. Any time as an author when you have people using your work as inspiration to continue living you know you are doing something right.

My biggest fascination and love for this book is probably the originality. This story has an amazing plot line and the pace is perfect. I applaud AllTimeBookWorm for her work on HMN. I am almost jealous of her. For I cannot write a book with so much passion and heart. She had effected her readers in the most endearing way. By all means does this book deserve to get published someday as it deserve it's rightful place on my Undiscovered Gem list.

Link: http://www.wattpad.com/story/18208788-hear-me-nicholas

- [Currently updating]

If you have read Hear Me Nicholas let me know your opinion on it. Do you believe it's an undiscovered Gem?

Next possible undiscovered Gem?- Don't Close Your Eyes by xXsemper-sine-metuXx

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