Congrats Babe!

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Mel's  P.O.V

As Luke and I got to the hotel I went straight to the balcony to call my best friend, Ceph. I met her three years ago when she started dating Niall. They got married last year and they have a son, Will.  She's a few days younger than me.  "Hiiiii,  Mel I mis-" I heard her answer the phone.

"HE DID IT!!! " I Interrupted her.

"What the hell are you talking abo-" She stopped. "Omg... is it what I think it is?"

"Yes!! " I cheered.

"OMG!! You're pregnant  too now we can be pregnant besties!" she cheered.

"What?  NO! We're getting married!! "

"No way!" I smiled and nodded even tho she couldn't see me. "OMG!  CONGRATS BABE!!" 

"Thank you!" I said. "Well,  I gotta go.  Gotta spend time with my futuRE HUSBAND! Call yah later!"  I said.

"OK,  later babe! Love yah!"she said.

"Love you too!" I said and hung up.  When I walked in  Luke was in the kitchen.

"You called Ceph didn't  you?" he asked.

"What? Pff No!" I blurted out. He looked at me and raised one eyebrow. "Fine! I'm just excited to spent the rest of my life with you!" I said.

"I'm the lucky one!" He said.

"Shut up!" I said and kissed him.

*two weeks later*

Today is the day! I'm so excited. I was in white. Liz was helping me to get ready and lou was putting some make up on my face and doing my hair. "I'm so nervous!" I said. "My palms are so sweaty! What if I fall while I'm walking down the aisle. OMG. What if I pass out.. I think I'm gonna puke!" I then heard them laugh. "Why are you laughing?!" I snapped. "Sorry!"

"It's ok, sweety. Everyone is nervous right now. Even me and I'm not gonna get married." Liz said.

"I think I'm gonna cry!" I said quietly.

"DON'T! I just finished your make up!" Lou said.

"Come on we gotta go!" Liz said. When I stood up and looked myself in the mirror. I was shocked.

"Wow!" Was all I could say. When I looked at Liz she was crying.

"You look beautiful!" She said. I smiled.

"Thank you!" I said. Then Harry came in!

"Come on we gott- Wow!" His jaw dropped.

"Right let's go!" I said. The wedding was at the Meluke beach. Awesome, right? We entered the car and Harry was still looking at me! "What?"

"You look stunning!" Harry said with his thick accent. "You play video games, you sing, play the guitar and piano, you play soccer AND you're beautiful! He's so damn lucky!"

"Stop!" I said.

"It's true!" He smiled.

"Thanks for walking down the aisle with me!" I told him. He was doing it since I didn't have a father.

"You're welcome, babe! Ok we're here..." he informed me.

"Omg I'm gonna puke!" I said.

"Relax, it's your big day you can't mess it up!" He chuckled.

"No shit sherlock?" I blurted out. "Sorry!"

"It's ok!" He smiled going out of the car and helping me out with this huge dress. Once I was out I could see everyone. All eyes landed on me. Everyone's jaw dropped. We heard the music and started walking. I was shaking. Harry giggled. "Calm down!" he whispered. I closed my eyes and breathed calmly. Once I opened my eye, I was infront of the man from my dreams.

"You look perfect!" Luke said smiling.

"You do too!" I smiled.

The man infront of us started talking. Then Luke and I turned around so we were facing each other. "Will you, Lucas Robert Hemmings take Melissa Gomes David as your wife?" The man asked.

"Yes, I will!" He smiled at me. A lot of flashlights suddenly appeared. Paparazzis. But I didn't care I was to focused on getting married.

"Will you, Melissa Gomes David take Lucas Robert Hemmings as your husband?" The man asked me.

"Yes, I will!" I smiled widely. Then we got the ring and put it in our fingers. Everyone was crying by now.

"You might consider yourself now as, husband and wife! You might kiss the bride." Luke smiled and then crashed his lips onto mine. Our lips moving in sync. I heard screams. Fans. I still didn't care. I'm MARRIED! Suddenly Luke was holding me bridal way and was walking up to the car. Once we arrived he put me in carefully and then got in too...

Stay with me! Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now