P.s I Love you!

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Mel's P.O.V

I woke up in a pale room. The hospital again... I looked down and saw a bandage around my chest, once again...

"Oh I see you're finally up. Good evening, how are you feeling?" A nurse asked.

"Don't really know..." I said.. She just nodded.

"You had a surgery... We gave you some more help..." She smiled. "you have too stay one more month."

"How long Have I been here?"

"Two months but you were in some sort of coma..." I nodded. Then my phone went off. I picked it up.

"Mel? MEL? WHAT HAPPENED WE COULDN'T REACH YOU THESE PAST MONTHS!!!" I heard Mike yell on the phone.

"I had that nightmare again... This time I tried to calm myself down, alone... but it just made it worst. My scar started opening and I lost a lot of blood. I only woke up today after two months...."

"WHAT? It's all getting worst... Come back..." Ashton said weakly.

"No... I can handle this..." I said not sure of what I was saying...

*One month later*

I was going home today! Finally! Amanda came to pick me up. When we arrived I said 'Hello' to everyone and went up to my flat. When I entered my flat there was a box in front of the door. The box had little wholes in it and a note.

'Dear Melissa,

I heard about you having that nightmare a lot lately. Since you never had a nightmare when we slept together, I figured I would give you something that could maybe help you... Take care of yourself Mel. I can't lose you. She will grow up don't worry...

Yours sincerely Lucas.

P.s I Love you!'

I then looked at the box and saw it move... when I opened it, a puppy jumped out and into my arms shaking her tail uncontrollably... Oh my god! A puppy! OH MY FUCKING GOD IT'S A DAMN PUPPY!!!!! I always wanted one!!! I hugged the little baby DOG!! It was a light brown with white marks, it had pointy ears and it had blue eyes. It's a Husky oh my god.... Beautiful!

Then the puppy sat down in front of me. "Hmm, what should I name you?" I asked her. "Bella..." I said she literally shock her head. "Pucca..." once again she said, no. "Roxy?" I asked. She stood up and started shaking her tail and jump around. "Good, Roxy it is!" I said.

Stay with me! Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now