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Louis POV

"Harry?" I breathed out. I opened my eyes, the lights in the room bright.I touched my head, it hurt. I groaned and propped up on my elbows and tried to move my legs and winced looking down at my foot. There was a cast on it. I furrowed my brow. "Louis?" I heard my mums voice say. I looked over at the door "mum w-what the hell happened?", she rushed to my side and set a drink down. "A car tried to switch lanes and didn't check their blind spot and hit you. Your car drifted into a pole and thankfully all that happened was your foot got hurt from the impact and you hit your head on the window and knocked out, I am so glad you're okay". I groaned falling back onto my pillow "is the other person okay?" I asked and she nodded handing me water. I sipped it as she spoke "the police said that they were at fault so their insurance is contacting ours to pay for your car. They had no injuries". I nodded and set the water to the side. "It was my fault, I was distracted in my thoughts, I should have seen them" I said with a sigh. "Louis this wasn't your fault, even if you had been paying closer attention they still would have hit you and you would have had to swerve". I nodded, she was right. "The doctor said you didn't break your foot thankfully, just a slight fracture. And you have a small concussion so they have medicine prescribed for you. You can go home tonight, they just have to check your head and make sure it isn't going to have long term problems or anything". I nodded again. This was just not my week.

"Louis?" I snapped my head in the direction of the voice and groaned grabbing my head, I turned too fast "ow" I mumbled. "Hi Johannah" my breathe hitched in my throat. Is that? "Harry I'm so glad you came" my mum said and hugged him. "I am gonna go speak with the doctor, tell him Louis is up, I will leave you two" my mum said and I nodded as she left. I sat playing with my hands, and Harry stood at the foot of my bed, he held flowers in one hand. "Are you okay" he finally said. I nodded "uh yeah, my mum said that since it was the other drivers fault, they will have to pay for everything so..." he nodded "I meant are you okay, like, just you. Not the financial stuff". "Oh uh yeah, I'll be fine". He nodded "you're mum called me, told me what happened". I nodded and he looked down at his hand "oh... I brought these for you", I smiled "thank you". He set them by me and I sighed "Hazz-" "don't Louis... I came because even as much as I want to pretend you don't exist. I was scared when your mum called and I was sad you were in a wreck. I'm glad you're okay, thankful even. But this doesn't-" he sighed. "It doesn't change anything... I'm not ready to go back to being nothing but your fuck buddy... I won't ever be. Get better soon". He turned to leave and I tried to sit up "Harry wai-" "Mr. Tomlinson, I'm glad you're awake" the doctor interrupted. "We need to check you up again and go over some things" she said and looked at Harry. "I'm leaving" he said and looked at me. A hurt look on his face. "But-" he walked out and I sighed as the doctor walk over. "Ready?" I nodded.

It has already been two weeks since my wreck. Sadly I was on crutches but my boot should be off in another week, then I'll just have a brace. The flowers Harry got me were sitting in a vase, dead and wilted. I went back to school last week and everyone freaked when they saw me on crutches. Even Niall, Charlie, Cara and Luke came to me at lunch to ask if I was okay. Harry stayed back and pretended I didn't exist again. It was killing me. He was so sure that I didn't care about him as anything but a friend with benefits. But he was wrong. It's like now that I don't have I realize what I had the whole time and just didn't realize. It was Friday and I had skipped school today. I told my mum my head was hurting. I lied. I just can't keep going to school and being ignored by the one person I want to talk to the most. Zayn keeps texting me and asking if I'm okay. I say I'm fine and he knows I'm lying. He offered to talk to Harry for me but I told him not to because he'll either feel like I let Zayn in on some sick joke, or that we were making fun of him. I was laying on my side, my arms wrapped around my froggy, Hazza jr. I thought about the day at the winter festival a lot. It was already October 21st. Halloween was coming up and Niall is throwing a huge party. All my friends are going. Zayn keeps begging me to come but I know Harry will be there, and I don't know how much fun I can have when he won't acknowledge me anymore.

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