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Harry's POV

"Harry... Hazza wake up", I sat up and groaned rubbing my face. Gemma laughed "Hazza what are you doing", she looked at the stack of tapes on my dresser and all my equipment. "Are you making music?", "uh yeah". "She picked up the tapes and I sat up, "It's almost noon". I strectched out my back. "I couldn't get to sleep, I want to get all these finished before I give them to Louis". She smiled "Louis, these are all for him?". I had 10 tapes and I just finished the last one last night. "Uh yeah... I figured since it was our first Christmas I wanted to give him something really special so... I wrote him all of these songs". She shook her head "I never thought I would see you so soft for someone". I rolled my eyes and she chuckled getting ready to walk out "Um Gem.. actually would you? mind listening to a couple and just tell me what you think?". She smiled "really?" I nodded. "You can just pick a couple and I'll put them in". She looked through the tapes.

"Strong, They Don't Know About Us, No Control, Fireproof, Stockholm Syndrome, 18, You and I, If I could fly, Two Ghosts, Sweet Creature, Last First Kiss... Wow Harry you wrote all of these?" I nodded and walked over and popped out the last one. "And this one is Little things". She covered her mouth "Harry this is insane..". I shrugged a bit embarrassed "maybe it's too much for a first Christmas?", she shook her head "no, I mean, insane in a good way. If someone did something like this for me I think I'd cry and marry them" she joked. I laughed as she picked up the tapes labeled "They Don't Know About Us" and "Strong". She sat on my bed and handed them to me smiling, as I put them in and she listened to them.

"I'm sorry if I say, "I need you"

But I don't care,
I'm not scared of love
'Cause when I'm not with you I'm weaker
Is that so wrong?
Is it so wrong
That you make me strong..."

The song ended and Gemma squealed "Harry these are amazing, can I please listen to all of them before you give them to him! I know it's your confessional love songs but these are actually really good" I chuckled "Gemma I have them all saved on my computer so I can show them to you whenever, but I really want Louis to be the first to hear them all if that's cool". She hugged me "of course it's okay. Hazz, he is going to freak these are beautiful, damn. I'm a bit jealous you got the singing gene and I didn't". I snorted and thanked her. I had bought a box from the store when I realized how many tapes I would have. It was already December 15th. Our winter break started on the 20th. I had already covered the box with our pictures and I carefully put all of the tapes in. I wrapped it and wrapped the tape player. I smiled proudly. I looked at my song book. I had filled almost a quarter of the book with just songs for Louis. I was nervous about him listening to them yet also excited. This was really going to be the first time I truly put it all out there. For Louis.

"Hazza I missed you" Louis whined as I walked into his house. I chuckled "I know I'm sorry I have been so busy". Since my family would be home the day after Christmas Louis and I decided to wait till then to give our gifts to each other. "Are we riding to Perrie's Christmas party together?", Perries secret Santa thing was tonight even though it was a Sunday. "Obviously babe" I teased. I had already showered and changed so that way we could go straight there from here. I had Charlies gift in my trunk. Louis made me hide under my blanket while he ran and put his gift in my car under a jacket. We laid in his bed and cuddled. Which led to a heated make out session. And then led to us sucking each other off. What can I say? we can't keep our hands off of each other. Perrie said everyone had to wear Christmas colors so I was wearing a red sweater and Louis was wearing a blue one. It made his eyes pop even more and I was drooling. When we got to Perries everyone secretly put the gifts under the tree and we all gathered after Perrie said it was clear. No one had seen anyone bring their gift in so it was anyone's guess.

"Okay who wants to start?" Perrie asked, "You should start since it's your house" Ed said and she squealed. She found the one with her name and opened it and gasped. Whoever had her had gotten her gave her an expensive perfume "Oh my god I have been dying to get this for months, I love it" she squealed and giggled. "Okay Perrie who do you think it's from?" Nick asked. She hummed looking at everyone "...Charlie?" Charlie shook her head and giggled and Perrie groaned. "Damn it, that means I can't find out until the very end" she whined. Perrie said the rule was if you didn't guess it you had to wait to find out so that it would throw others off. "Perrie you pick who goes next" Luke said. "Um Luke you can" she said and he got up and found the gift with his name. He eyes us all suspiciously making everyone giggle. He unwrapped it and smiled "oh no way!" he said excitedly. He held up a record and shook his head "these are so hard to find I couldn't find one at any of the music stores, it's a special record that only had like 200 copies made !". Luke loved old record albums. He smiled, this was so fun. We were all like kids again. "Okay guess now!" Liam said and we all egged him on. "Okay I think it was... Ed?" Ed sighed "damn it how did you know?", we all laughed. "Because I kept complaining about this when we went to the music shop a while back". I snickered and Ed and Luke hugged and wished each other Merry Christmas. "Okay Ed you go since he found you out" Perrie said as she clutched her perfume. Ed found the gift with his name and smiled unwrapping it. He grinned "holy shit this is sick" he said pulling out a leather jacket. He slid it on and we all cat called him and he shook his head laughing. You could tell it was a nice jacket. "Okay guess" I said and he hummed "okay was it... Nick?" "nope" Nick said with a chuckle and he groaned, making us laugh. "Okay Ed who next?" Perrie said. "Zayn you go" he said as he sat down, his jacket still on. Zayn smiled and walked over finding his gift, he unwrapped it and laughed "Oi no way, no fucking way". He pulled out a small kit for spray painting. It had a breathing mask for painters to use, eye wear and some tools and a gift card to a paint store. "I needed this!" he said excitedly and Louis giggled at his bestfriend. "Okay guess" Charlie said. Everyone was sat around smiling, you could tell everyone was genuinely having a really good time. Louis was laid with my arm around him and everyone was sat on the couches or on the floor in front of the couch. "Okay was it... Louis?" Louis chuckled and shook his head "sorry mate". He groaned and went back to his spot, holding his gift in his lap happily. "Okay Nick you go" he said and he went over and found his gift. He unwrapped it and smiled "okay I want to marry whoever this is from, I don't care if you're male or female" he said making everyone bust out laughing. He got a pair of shoes he had been wanting but they were a bit pricey, the only one I know could really afford something like that and not bat an eye is Perrie, I thought to myself. "Okay who do you think it was?" Luke asked and he hummed "Perrie?" she groaned "damn it". I guessed it, I thought again. We all laughed and they hugged and she said she won't Marry him making us all laugh more. "Okay Nick who is next?" "Cara you go". She smiled excitedly and went over and found her gift. She unwrapped and let out a squeal making everyone chuckle at her excitement. She opened the box showing a necklace with her birthstone "look how pretty!" she practically yelled. "Nick this had to be you" she said and he whined "how did you know?" "because when we were at the shops I said how pretty all the birthstone necklaces were and I kept looking at mine! Thank you!" she yelled and squeezed him. We all cooed at how happy she was. So far only Perrie, Nick and Ed were guessed which left a ton of us left. "Okay Cara who is next?" "Louis" he smiled and got out of my arms. He found his gift and smiled as he unwrapped it "Oi shut the hell up" he said as he showed us. It was black air pods, which Louis had been wanting. "Excuse me I no longer speak broke" he joked and we all laughed. "Guess love" I teased and he chuckled "okay um... Liam?" "sorry lad, wasn't me" he said and Louis pouted. I chuckled as he came back over to me. "Who next?" Perrie asked and Louis hummed as he happily clung to his new air pods "Niall". He smiled excitedly and went over to the few gifts left and found his quickly. He unwrapped and smiled "OI SHUT UP" he yelled, "what is it?" I asked and he smiled holding it up. "It's a guitar pick maker, you can legit make any pick you want. This is so fucking sick" he said looking at it again. "Your guess?" Ed said as we watched a very excited Niall. "Um... Luke?" "fuck how did you know?" he whined and we laughed. They hugged and Niall thanked him and they said Merry Christmas. "Okay Niall who is next?" "Um Liam". Liam smiled and went over to his gift and unwrapped it and chuckled "OH no way". He pulled it out showing it was a set of chains. They were really nice "I love these, fuckin hell" he said holding it up to his neck. "Who do you think mate?" Zayn asked and he hummed "Louis?' he pouted "fuck you Liam" he laughed and Louis got up to hug his other bestfriend. Lim thanked him and said Merry Christmas, Liam went and sat by Zayn who helped Liam put one of the chains on. "Liam who's next?" "Charlie you go". She jumped up excitedly grabbing her gift, leaving only one left. She unwrapped it and her smile dropped "is this.. no way". She covered her mouth and looked over at us all and we all cooed "what's wrong?" Perrie asked. She smiled and wiped her eyes "this was my grandpa's album... I used to have it when I was little but I lost it and after he passed away I really wanted it back. I didn't know it was still sold. Track number 6 is dedicated to me..." she said happy at the memory. We all smiled sadly yet happy. "Harry this had to be you" she said and I smiled standing up. She hugged me tightly and I whispered "Merry Christmas Charlie" "thank you Hazza" she said and hugged the album to her as we pulled away. She sat by Perrie who put an arm around her and Charlie smiled fondly at the gift. She had told me about her grandpa, whom she was really close to, that was why I had to go to the store out of town to find her grandpas album. "Okay Hazza, best for last" Perrie said and I chuckled walking over and grabbing the gift. I laughed and opened it "oh shut the fuck up..." I pulled the Chelsea boots out and shook my head "okay holy shit, who the hell knew I wanted these?". They were kind of a crazy pattern but I was obsessed with them and kept looking at them online. "Those are oddly really cool" Luke said and I laughed "okay was it... Niall?" he chuckled "nope, sorry H". I groaned "damn it... well thank you to whoever this was because these are fucking sick". I sat back by Louis and Perrie smiled "Okay so since Ed, Nick, Luke, Harry, Louis and I were all guessed everyone who didn't guess gets to find out now so everyone tell who they had. We can start from here and go down. Perrie started "I obviously had Nick". Charlie smiled and turned to face ed as she spoke "Ed I had you". He smiled "No way thank you!", he still had the jacket on. "I had Zayn" Cara said with a chuckle and Zayn smiled "for real, thank you I fucking love this", he was still holding his gift in his lap. "Well I had you Niall" Luke said and Niall leaned on him "Ah thank you!" he chuckled and patted his back. "I had you Louis" Niall said and Louis groaned "I should have guessed, thank you Irish these are sick as hell". He smiled proudly. "I had you Luke, which you know" Ed said leaning to look at Luke and he smiled "thank you again mate I love it". "Cara I had you, but you know this" Nick said and Cara chuckled. "I had you Perrie" Liam said with a laugh and she squealed "really? thank you I seriously love this" she said holding the perfume up. "Hazz, I had you" Zayn said with a laugh and I grinned "aye thank you mate, I love them" I reached over and hugged him. Louis and I laughed "well obviously we know I had Liam and Hazz had Charlie" Louis said. When we all finished we all drank hot chocolate and talked about how we picked our gifts and how excited we were. We all hung out until it started getting a bit late. We all thanked each other and hugged before all leaving to go home. Louis brought an over night bag so he could just stay with me.

"Tonight was so much fun" Louis said happily as we got comfy in my bed. I nodded and laid by him. Before I left to pick him up earlier today I had cleaned all of my equipment up and hid his gifts. We snuggled together and I kissed Louis gently. "Sweet dreams Lou" "sweet dreams Hazz".

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