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I find it funny; how we look at the world an all. We seem to only focus on our little bubble- our little town- big city- little family- anything. Our bubble- we only focus on our bubble. I think it's funny how that works out; because we always talk about changing the world and making a difference- but at the same time we only ever focus on our little bubble, and not our neighbors bubble, our countries neighbor's bubble.

Changing the world is not something we can just snap our fingers and do. It's a long process-


That's the bell.

I slip my creative writing journal back into my back pack along with my pen and I leave. My last period is over and now I can go back to my apartment, shower, and relax. Then of course do all my homework.

"Niall. Are you coming down to the bar tonight with us?" My friend Miley asked me. We always met up out side one of the buildings after sixth period. She has eight periods, I only had six because 1) I was a Junior in college, and 2) I only went part time.

"I don't know. I think I'm just going to stay home." I shrugged my shoulders, fixing the strap on my back pack.

"You should come."

"I have homework."

"So? You don't have school till Thursday."

"Exactly. It's going to take me today and tomorrow to finish all my homework. I have a lot." I sighed.

"Niall. Listen, you need to relax and go out with some friends- besides- Max is going to be there." She winked.

Max and I had a thing- it wasn't serious, it was nothing but flirting and maybe occasionally fucking...
Miley swore up and down that Max was in love with me. But I really only saw him as a friend I happened to flirt with. I didn't have emotional feelings for Max, he just wasn't my type what so ever.

Plus Max was rather clingy and although he was claimed to be "in love" with me, he flirted with tons of other guys at the bar. Even if they weren't gay! And a good 97% of them were straight.

"I'll think about it, Miley. But no guaranties."

"No guaranties?"

"No. I need to go home- I'll see you later Miley. Don't be late to class."

"I have thirty minutes before my next class. I can talk." I sighed. She was too much.

"I have to go. I'll see you later, maybe."

"Text me!" She shouted across the parking lot.



There I was, sitting in the bar with my group of friends, sipping on a cold beer whilst I watched my idiotic friends flirt with strangers and make fools of themselves. What would a gay guy like me be doing here at a stright bar? I should be at a gay bar with my people. But here I am, debating wheather or not to go home early and say fuck it to everyone here.

"Loosen up Niall, have some fun, mate, there's tons of hot guys here." That would be Max at my shoulders, edging me on to have a good time. This is why I thought it was absoluetly dumb when Miley said he was in love with me. Here he was, telling me to loosen up and go have some fun with the hot guys in the room.

"I'm just not feeling it, Max."

"Sure you arent right now- but if you stop sipping on that beer like a gay man and start chugging it down, you might just meet someone."

"But I am gay..." I said awkwardly.

"Doesn't mean you have to drink like a pussy. Stop sipping on your beer, mate. Drink up."

"I should be getting home." I went to stand up, but Max made me sit back down and then he pointed to a fella across the room. He was handsome and if I didn't know any better I would say he was starring at me. He had a beautiful bone structure, his skin was tan and imperfect, which is what made him look so perfect. I could see hints of tattoos on his chest from his low cut black t shirt. His arms were covered in tattoos as well, making him look all the more sexy. Maybe it was his hair, or maybe it was just his perfect face, but something made him look even more perfect than he already was.

"He's been starring at you since he got here." Max whispered in my ear.

"He's probably straight. He's probably debating whether to beat me up or somthing." I wouldn't be surprised. I was use to people hating me for being Gay, but I couldn't change, it was who I was and I was happy being gay. Isn't that was gay means? Happy? Yes, I am Gay. And yes I am proud of it.

"I don't think so. You should offer to buy him a drink."

"I don't know, Max."

"Oh come on Niall! When was the last time you even had sex?" Max asked me. He knew the answer to that too. I glared at him, he shouldn't bring things like that up.

"You know the last time I had sex." I glared. Embarrassed and actually offended.

"Niall. I can't possibly be the only guy you've had sex with." Max placed a hand on his chest, shaking his head.

"You're not..."

"Then who else?"

"Well... My senior year I had my first boyfriend, we had sex- he later then cheated on me and got aids. I don't know if he's even still alive, I didn't bother to ask or make contact with him again. Besides, he was going to a different college, somewhere in America." I rolled my eyes, remising the past.

"Anyone else?" He asked me.

"One or two guys my freshman year in college." I shrugged. Max shook his head and made a tst sound with his mouth. I could only focus on taking glances at the beautiful boy across the bar.

"Niall. You need to get out there more."

"Well I don't want just some one night stand, Max. I want a real relationship."

"Then why haven't we dated yet?" He asked me. I rolled my eyes.

"That's different, I don't like you that way and you don't like me."

"I like you!" He whined.

"Not in that way." I looked up at him, annoyed.

"No. Not in that way but I like you." He shrugged.

"I think I'm going home." I stood from my seat at the bar, Max didn't stop me this time.

"Why you going home?"

"I have shit to do."

"Like yourself?" He asked, cracking up laughing. I narrowed my eyes, very confused.

"Get it? Like- do yourself? Cause you're gonna masterbate." He started laughing again. I just rolled my eyes.

"I was actually going to do my homework you twat."

"Hey! Who you calling twat?"

"You!" I began to make my way to the door when Max placed a hand on my shoulder.

"If you're not going to flirt with the hottie over there, than I will."

"Go ahead." I groaned.

Inside I felt a bite of jealousy ping in my stomach. He was my hot guy. He was starring at me, not Max. And here Max was, going to flirt with him and probably take him home whilst I sat at home and did homework.

Welcome to my life.

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