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"Thank you." Zayn spoke as I handed him the money from delivering for him.

"My pleasure, as always." I sighed. I was honestly exhausted and needed some sleep, but when ever I went home all I could think about was sleeping next to Niall and I knew that would be much too risky... So I stayed awake and thought about him. Which didn't help because the next night I would be out delivering for Zayn or the next day I would be in meetings with Zayn and what not, so I didn't get any sleep.

I was getting tired of delivering for Zayn. Honestly, if it was so easy then why didn't he do it himself?

"Now- run on home to your pretty boy. I know you miss him." He smirked at his desk, never looking up from his stack of money he was counting.

"That obvious?" I asked.

"Oh please. You're head over heals for that boy and I think it's rather ridiculous." He scoffed.

"Ridiculous?" How was being in love with Niall ridiculous?

"He will never fall for you, Harry. You kidnapped him, raped him, you've completely torn the guy down. Now- call me crazy- but I don't think that's how you get someone to love you."

"You're wrong!" I croaked. Niall could fall for me, he let me touch him- he was going to let me have sex with him until I screwed it all up.

"I'm not wrong. Think about it Harry... You're loosing your mind if you think he'd fall for his kidnapper."

"He doesn't know it's me."

"And when he finds out it is you- he'll hate you even more."

"He- he doesn't hate- I -" I couldn't form words, I could only stutter. So instead of trying to speak, I left.


"I'm coming in!" I yelled. I could hear shuffling and I knew he was putting the blind fold on. When I opened the door I was taking precaution, making sure he did have his blindfold on before I entered all the way. Luckily he did.

"It's me." I said. Niall just nodded, looking down as he fixed the blind fold on his face.

"Hi." He mumbled. I closed the door, locking it before I made my way over to the bed. Sitting down beside him and taking his hand in mine.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled.

"For what? Kidnapping me? Raping me? Which part?" Niall snapped.

I flinched a little, letting go of his hand as I looked away, too ashamed to even look at him.

"I'm sorry for everything."

"Why can't I see you?"

"You don't want to see me." I said.

I didn't want him to see me.

"Yes, I do."


"You can't be that ugly. I don't care what you look like, bloody hell I want to see you!" Niall was getting impatient. I just shook my head and sighed, grabbing Niall's hand again.

"No, Niall."

"I know you."

"What?" I asked. He knew who I was? No... There's no way.

"Yes. It's obvious. The reason why you don't want me to see you so badly. It's because I know you."

"You don't know me."

"I do! God damn it I do! If I don't know you then let me take this fucking blind fold off." Niall began to cry, it made my heart swell. I hated to see him so angry and hurt... And it was because of me.

"I'm not ready for you to see me."

"Neither was my ass but that didn't stop you." He spit. I flinched a little.... Maybe I should just go. It was obvious he wanted nothing to do with me at this point.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled again as I got off the bed.

"Yeah. Walk away you cowered." He said behind me. I stopped in my tracks, turning to look at Niall who sat on the bed, tears running through the blind fold.

I am a cowered...

"Haven't you left yet? Go! Just leave!" Niall screamed. I sighed, looking away from the boy I knew I had let down once again. The boy I just wanted to love me, the boy who hated me.


He left and I cried, tearing the blind fold from my face as I cried into my hands instead.

I hated him!

What he's done to me is unacceptable. He can't just kidnap me, take me from my life, my family and friends and then rape me. Leave me locked away in this freedom proof basement to hallow away in my own tears and depression whilst I know he's out there having a life whilst I'm stuck in here fighting for mine.

He can't just suddenly become this nice, gentle sweet man who wants to know who I am and what I love, who wants to buy me a guitar with pens and note books and give me someone to talk to- and then leave me.

He can't make me fall for him and then up and leave for almost a week so I can sit here in this room and wander what the hell it was that I did wrong.

He can't.

But he did.

And I hated him for it.

I wanted nothing more than to be as far away from him as I could. I would see him, I knew I would I just needed to wait till the right time. And when I found out who this monster was, I was going to destroy him.

Make him pay for what he's put me through. And make his friends pay for letting him do what he's done to me.

This isn't over.

Far from it.

I hate this man with everything I have to the point where I am falling for him.

I don't love him, but with the Stockholm Syndrome sinking in.... There's no telling what could happen from here.

Stockholm Syndrome (Narry Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now