Maia catchup

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What you are: Shadowhunter

Who you are related to: Izzy's twin and Alec's younger sister

How you met: After rescuing Clary and Simon

Her name in your phone: Pet💟

Your name in her phone: Flower💟

Your best friend: Your siblings obviously

Who you are jealous of: Simon-You know of his history with Maia

Who you hate the most:Simon-He cheated on your Maia with your twin of all people.

Your weapon:Seraph blade

Her worst fear: You in pain or you dying

Favourite tv show: Star Trek Discovery

Favourite movie: Star Trek(2009)

Who they are jealous of: Jordan- Because when you met him he turned into Jace with the flirting

What you do for fun:Cooking for the pack

Your favourite song: Demons-Imagine Dragons

Her favourite song: Part of me- Katy Perry

How you hug:Piggyback

Favourite book series: Star Wars comics

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Favourite book series: Star Wars comics

When they asked you out: 2 weeks after being mates

What item you steal from them:Her earrings

What food you eat together:Steak and chips

What food you eat together:Steak and chips

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Normal work outfit:

Normal work outfit:

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Here it is. The maia catchup it's about time I got it out.


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