Her name: Cutie😗
Your name:Hun😘
Your bff: Raphael
Your jealous of: Jace
Your weapon: bow and arrow
Her fear:Her father or her brother kidnapping you
Your species: Shadowhunters
How you meet: You were with Jace on that faithful day he bumped into her
Who you hate: Valentine
Who you are related to: Aline's sister
Tv show: Jessica Jones
Movie: Captain Marvel
Her favourite song: It's time-Imagine Dragons
Your favourite song: Don't let me down-The Chainsmokers
Who they are jealous of:Magnus
What you do for fun: Watching Netflix
When they asked you out: You asked her out after a little while
What you item you steal from them: Her sketch pencils
The food you eat together: Waffles
How you hug: She loves to look at you and you like to look at her when you hugFavourite book series: Comics
Where you have your first date: Cinema then dancing at the institue
Your noraml work outfit:
Their favourite thing about you: Your facial expressions
Your favourite thing about them: Her dorkiness
Here you go guys. Hope you all like it. All for now
Shadowhunter Prefrences
FanfictionRequests are closed Jace,Simon,Magnus,Raphael,Alec,Sebastian,Izzy,Maia,Clary