Not Entirely Solo

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"You did amazing baby," Louis said proudly, his smile swallowing his face and his eyes crinkling in the very way he had quickly become known (and adored) for. "All of you did." He added, draping his arms around Harry's waist and pulling him in for a lazy but meaningful hug, a pride flag from the stage remained clutched in Harry's fingers that were painted with black nail polish- a fresh coat had been put on them that morning, he was becoming better and better at applying it thanks to patience and practice.

"Thanks. It was quite emotional. I feel a little sad that it's over." Harry said with a pout, his soft baby voice making a return now that he was backstage and in the privacy of his band (who were now like family) and his Louis.

He nuzzled his head into Louis' shoulder as if he were smaller than his boyfriend- which clearly was not the case, but Louis was used to Harry's clinginess and was absolutely more than happy to comply as the role of the dominant. He lovingly rubbed his hand up Harry's back, underneath his red suit jacket, squeezing his chubby hips through the fabric of his black undershirt.

"Really can't believe it's over. Went so fast! I swear we only started touring a week ago." Clare stated as she took a seat on the black leather sofa, the rest of the band mates paced over and made themselves comfortable as they exchanged chatter about the previous few months of their new and exciting lives.

Harry's first half of his very first solo world tour had officially come to a close- ending in Tokyo, one of his favourite cities. Although he had initially been slightly nervous to perform in intimate venues as a solo artist, he had received an incredible amount of support from his friends, family and his extremely dedicated fans. He quickly found that he was embracing himself more than he originally thought he would be comfortable with- pride flags made frequent appearances at each show, along with flamboyant dancing and an endless array of glittery Gucci suits. As of late, he was even sporting a full set of black painted nails on stage. He was feeling more and more like himself every time he performed- and it was more than he could have ever hoped for.

"Come take a seat, baby. You've been on your feet all night. That dancing really must take it out of you." Louis said softly to Harry, his head still remained curled up in the nape of Louis' neck and shoulder, nuzzled as close as humanly possible to his skin.

Although Louis prided himself of his tough exterior, when it came to Harry there was no way he could be anything but gentle. Harry was his only exception for anything.

The pair joined the rest of the band mates and spread themselves out over the remaining free couch opposite the others. Harry splayed his slim body out across the leather sofa, his head perched in Louis' lap and his feet draped over the armrest. Naturally, Louis found his fingers running through Harry's hair and grazing over his soft forehead.

"Champagne time?" Mitch questioned with a slight grin, standing up from the single armchair opposite Harry and Louis.

"I think that's definitely in order!" Sarah condoned.

"Shall we have a drink here then head back to the hotel for further celebrations?" Harry suggested, eyes engrossed in his phone as he posted an Instagram photo that was taken earlier of the group to commemorate the final night of tour. He glanced at the comments that were rapidly flooding in and chuckled. His fans never failed to make him both laugh and feel accepted.

"What the hell is a skinny legend? What does 'wig' mean?!" Louis intently questioned as he peered at Harry's phone, acknowledging the comments from fans.

"I don't know, I really need to learn all this social media slang. Maybe that can be my task over the break." Harry replied with a chuckle. "Sorry Mitch, I'll get off my phone now, that was rude." He stated, lightly throwing his phone on the coffee table.

"You're alright!" Mitch chuckled, acknowledging Harry's adorable apology. "That sounds great, I'll crack open the bottle." He added with an eager nod.

The others happily agreed in unison as Louis delicately twisted a curl of Harry's hair.

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