Something More Comfortable

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Here you go." Clare said excitedly as she re-entered the room and handed Harry the dress. "Take your time, but don't be nervous."

"Thanks so much, Clare. Could you please grab Louis for me?"


Harry stared at himself in the mirror, his vision slightly hazy from all the fruity cocktails, but he was feeling good nonetheless. He clutched the dress tightly in his hands, lightly stroking the sheer fabric.

"You gonna put it on, princess?" Louis asked as he stepped into the room, closing the door behind him. "You're gonna look so pretty, I can't wait."

Harry nodded and began slowly undressing, Louis eyes traced his entire body in admiration and awe. Once the dress was finally on, Harry stepped back in front of the mirror.

"You look beautiful, H. Why do you suit everything?! It's unfair." Louis commented with a pout. Even though Harry was a fairly confident person, he still relied heavily on Louis' support; and as for Louis, building Harry up was easy- Louis never had to tell a lie once.

"I might leave most of the buttons undone." Harry stated, a smile creeping up his face from Louis' compliment- and the mere sight of himself in a dress.

"Do whatever feels best." Louis said, planting a kiss on Harry's cheek. "Come on, let's go join the others."

"Okay. Wait. Um. No, yeah let's go." Harry said, the nerves making his voice wobble. He shook his head in an attempt to rid himself of the knot in his stomach, and smoothed his palms down the front of the dress, his eyes fixated on the way his painted nails looked against the sheer, burgundy fabric.

Louis laced his fingers amongst Harry's, and guided him out of the bedroom like the faithful compass he was.

It was as if the group were expecting Harry to enter the room wearing a dress, because when Harry finally plucked up the courage to walk out of the bedroom, it was as if it were the most normal thing to have happened that day. And that's just the reaction Harry was hoping for.

"Looks great on you. I think you wear it better than I do." Clare said enthusiastically. She batted her eyelashes in admiration at him. Adam and Mitch looked up from their conversation, their eyes widening ever so slightly and then returning to normal within a split second. A warm smile appeared on their faces. And, of course Louis had been right- no one was shocked, and they all knew Harry wasn't joking around.

Harry stood confidently with his hands on his hips, subtly looking at himself in the reflection of the window and finding it hard to look away. Whenever Harry wore a dress, something inside him felt different. It wasn't just about the fact that it was a dress or the feminine colours, it was much more than that, something entirely internal. He felt free, like he was being the most authentic version of himself.

"I can't wait for the day we can go shopping for dresses for you to wear on stage. I already have a Pinterest board of ones I want you to wear." Harry said as he wrapped his arm around Antonio. Being Harry's stylist and good friend, Harry was no stranger to Harry's ongoing interest in what was typically considered 'women's' fashion. He was perfectly aware of Harry's fluid style. However, the transition from the clothes Harry wore throughout his time in One Direction compared to the solo tour had already been huge, and they both agreed they didn't want to begin too drastic. The future was sure to see Harry's gender fluid style shine through.

"I've got a Pinterest board too." Harry giggled, running his hand through his little curls. He followed Louis and took a seat on the couch, daintily crossing one leg over the other.

"It really offends me that you suit every single thing you wear." Mitch declared, rolling his eyes jokingly.

"Me too, lad, me too." Louis agreed with a sigh. Harry blushed.

Suddenly, Fleetwood Mac faded into Man! I Feel Like A Woman: the most anticipated and fitting song of the night.

"Queued it just for you!" Louis exclaimed. "Come on, I know you've been waiting." He said, grabbing Harry's hands and pulling him up. "Come and dance, everyone! Mitch, get up. Sarah, come on!"

The group happily complied and followed Louis and Harry to the spacious floor between the kitchen and the couches, already belting the lyrics out along the way.

They danced together and sang together and watched in pure fascination as Harry swayed his hips in the adorable yet simultaneously sinful way that he loved to. He ran his hands through his hair as he continued to gyrate his hips, the dress showing off Harry's slim waist each time he rocked from side to side.

"Can you please take a photo of me? My Polaroid camera is in our room." Harry politely asked Louis as he twirled around, making the dress puff out and ripple in a swift motion.

"Of course."

While Louis obeyed Harry's wishes and grabbed the camera, Harry, Clare and Sarah took turns twirling one another around, growing dizzier and dizzier until they were doubled over in a fit of laughter. Harry felt so happy that he could have cried right then and there.

"Okay. Three, two, one." Louis snapped a shot of Harry confidently standing with his hands on his hips. "Gorgeous. Now dance, I wanna take some candids of you. You look so good."

Louis snapped a few more photos of Harry in his authentic glory, dancing and singing and laughing, all while the dress hung off his slim frame. Louis put the camera down and rejoined the group.

"I can't wait to touch you later." Louis whispered into Harry's ear, licking his lips on instinct.

"Touch me now." Harry purred, grabbing Louis' hands and placing them on the curve of his waist. They exchanged a playful smile, Louis twitching in his pants as he observed Harry confidently swinging his hips more and more while he slowly stroked the dress, Louis' hands remaining on Harry's waist and trailing down to his hips.

"Right, sorry to be lame but I'm exhausted." Sarah announced once the song came to a finish.

"Oh fuck, it's 3am." Antonio commented, pulling his phone out and adjusting his blurry vision to the clock on his mobile. "Suppose we should get going too?" He half asked half stated to Harry. Harry drunkenly grunted in response. "Okay yeah, you need bed." He hooked his arm through his boyfriend's, helping him stand upright and proceeded to farewell Louis and Harry.

"Do you need help cleaning up?" Clare asked Louis and Harry as she grabbed her jacket from the couch and started clearing empty glasses off the coffee table.

"No don't worry about that love, I've got it." Louis replied taking the glasses from her hand and pulling her into a hug instead. "Thanks so much for tonight. I know it means a lot to Harry. He's lucky to have a friend like you." He whispered.

"Have a safe journey home, don't get lost!" Harry joked to his crew as they made their way out of the hotel room, off to their own suites. He burst into laughter at his own joke.

"You really do think you're so funny, don't you?" Louis teased.

"I am funny." Harry shrugged, closing their hotel door.

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