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The girls are all sisters. Their father died and their mother couldn’t support them, so she sent them off to be servants to the five richest kings in the world. Who happened to be best friends. They all go to Zayn’s castle for a ball and bring their servants with them. The girls all sleep in the closet of their kings’ room. Which is actually pretty big. What happens when they learn that there are assassins after the kings and they get locked in their rooms?

Louis: He treats his servant like a servant. He makes her do everything for him. Literally. Everything. When they get locked in Louis is fine. As long as his servant is there, she can just take care of him. But what happens when she becomes sick and he has to take care of her?

Zayn: He doesn’t tolerate attitude. And that’s all (Zayn’s GF) has towards him. While they’re locked up he gets fed up and hits her. He feels bad and asks what he can do to make it up to her. Will he be able to follow through with what she says?

Liam: He is very respectful towards his servant, and he expects perfection. When his servant does something it has to be done perfectly. While they’re locked up he sees all her mistakes and comments on them. When she snaps at him what will he do?

Niall: He is a complete ass to his servant. He makes her do everything. He makes her do things to entertain him. He constantly takes things too far making her cry but he doesn’t give a shit. He has acted this way ever since his mother killed herself. When they get locked in can he see that she isn’t like his mother?

Harry: Harry is actually really nice to his servant and has already taken a liking to her. Maybe a little more than he should. He tries to get her to like him by buying her fancy things, but that only seems to make her dislike him more. Can he get her to like him while they’re locked in?

Louis’ GF: When she gets sick she can barely move. She tries to do what Louis wants her to, but she can’t. She is usually really independent, but she needs someone to take care of her while she’s sick. Will she let Louis be the one to do it?

Zayn’s GF: She is sassy. She is protective over her sisters being the oldest. When Zayn hits her she is stunned. When he asks her how to make it up to her she tells him to be her servant until they are allowed to leave the room. What will she make him do?

Liam’s GF: She is very self conscious. She hates it when people notice her mistakes. When Liam comments on them while their locked in she tries to ignore it, but he keeps doing it and she can’t take it. She snaps at him. Will she regret it?

Niall’s GF: She is the youngest of her sisters. She hates Niall and doesn’t understand why he is the way he is. She does everything Niall says because she wants to please her mother who she barely remembers. When they get locked in she is terrified. She is an absolute mess. Shaking and crying. Will she let Niall calm her down?

Harry’s GF: Every time Harry gives her a present or speaks to her she falls harder for him. She doesn’t think he likes her so she distances herself from him. When they get locked in she tells him how she feels. How will she cope with dating a prince?

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