Teterns part 2

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Eren was playing the Attack on tittie game when he heard a loud shriek. He ran to the noise and it was broom. She looked horrified. He looked inside and it was Levi and the Windex bottle. Levi had covered himself in a sheet and stuttered "I-it's not what it looks like."
Broom couldn't handle the sight so she ran away tears covering her face.
Eren ran after broom to try and console her but he forgot he was battling commander handsome so he died. Marco went up to him and said "yUO CnTE DeI Ur tHA MAne cHAraCTre"
And he came back alive all titan form and shit.
Armin was flying in the sky as he cawed loudly for all to hear. Jean started welling with tears because of the beautiful sight. Then he realized he was a horse and horses could not cry. He wanted to feel sad but couldn't because he was only a horse.

Berthold was sweating a bunch cause Reiner kept using pick up lines on him and he felt weird in dangerous places. They got a pet corn and named it Corny the Horny corn and decided it would be theirs. But Sasha turned it into popcorn and ated it all. The two were devastated. They crid. And Jean was jealous because he couldn't cri.

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