god has finally left us
jesus has descended from the gates of heaven solely to strike down the remaining bunch that still survived
everyone fucking fucked up
this god forsaken fic
have you ever thrown up in your mouth but was forced to swallow it because you were in public
thats exactly how reading this fic feels
i use this to fuel my fire place at night, cuddled up in only the warmest and finest of blankets, my hands warmed by my half calorie all natural vanilla macchiato with vegan whipped cream and the purest of crushed hazelnuts. A light drizzle of low-fat, low-carb strawberry sauce sits on top of it with a freshly hand-picked cherry.
my feet warmed by me literally shoving them in the fireplace in order to numb the pain.
i have become the new god of this universe
my life is only that of greatness and wealth as i have pushed this fic aside and gone on with my life
fucking BYE
Attak on Teten crack
HumorRandom first story since I'm crap at writing actual faniction -Admin Aoba-Booty