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Bella's POV

"LET'S GO TEAM!" I shout walking into the lifeguard tower wearing my blue uniform for the first time in over a week. "IT'S NOT JUST ANOTHER DAY..IT'S ANOTHER DAY TO EXCEL!"

"BELLEEE!" Jesse, Chappo, Maxi and Harries shouted running over, pulling me into a big group hug. As it was only 5:30am they were the only ones here. I laughed hugging them back.

I love these guys. A lot of women wouldn't want to be the only one in the workplace surrounded by men, but we're all great friends and I never feel left out. Probably because I'm a bit of a tomboy though... The guys are all super protective of me too which is really sweet to be honest but can be irritating.

"Try not kill her boys." My dad laughed walking in behind me.

"Hey Boss!" The guys greeted him.

"We missed your pretty face around here darlin." Harries smiled at me.

"And yours too Hop!" Maxi winked at my Dad who chuckled and shook his head.

You see my Dad and I went on a little road trip to the Gold Coast for the week hence why we haven't been here.

"You alright? You look drained!" Maxi asked a little concerned.

"Uhh... yeah I'm fine! Just a little tired." I smiled while making sure my Dad was outside the tower and wouldn't hear me.

"I missed your pretty face too Harries." I laughed as he and Maxi left to set up the signs on the beach but not before giving me more bear hugs.

I sat in between a tired looking Chappo and Jesse, looking out to the beach I called home. It was dark outside because of how early it was but it still looked beautiful.

"It's good to be home." I mumbled to myself smiling.

"So, how was it? Give your Dad any more heart attacks?" Chappo laughed.


The guys always joke around saying I give my Dad heart attacks because I always seem to get hurt somehow, somewhere. I'm a magnet for trouble... trouble to myself, not the people I rescue! Don't worry people!

"It was great!" I smiled. "And no I didn't give him a heart attack.. yet."

"Jeez, I'm shocked Bells." Jesse laughed patting me on the back.

"Ha ha ha." I sarcastically laughed as the boys sniggered.

"Hey I might go for a swim-"

"No you will not, it's dark and you'll be exhausted from driving all night, I didn't want you working today at all, never mind going in the water!" My Dad cut me off with a stern look but still smiling at me.

"You drove all night?" Chappo asked shocked. I was about to answer but once again my Dad beat me to it.

"Yes she did! She was supposed to wake me up halfway so we could switch but she never. Instead she drove 9pm till 4:30am and is currently functioning on Red Bull and Coffee!"

"You've not slept?" Jesse and Chappo exclaimed in unison. I looked up sheepishly.

"Dude.. it's fine." I said looking at them both.

"Keep an eye on her boys." My Dad said as he left to go to his office across the road, giving me a kiss on the head.

My Dad and I have a very close relationship. Growing up it was just me and him. You see my "Mother" found out she was 16 weeks pregnant the day after she left my dad for her new man, James. They both left and moved to Perth, not telling my Dad she was pregnant and I was brought up by them till I was 6 years old, but trust me ... it was awful.

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