Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho

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Jesse's POV

Last night a very drunk Bella came back to mine and Maxi's place along with Whippet, Mouse, Harrison and a very drunk Harries, Chappo and Jake.

Bella passed out as soon as she was on the couch and Jake kept singing 'Summer Nights' from Grease to her for some reason. Whippet and I checked her blood sugar levels a couple of times too and forced her to eat something as they were really low. Anyway, it's now 8am and Bella slept in our spare room and she has been for nearly 12 hours!

Maxi was on the early shift this morning so he'd already left but I didn't start till 12 today so I was just chilling on the couch watching TV.

"Want some coffee?"

"Jesus Bells, you scared me!" I laughed as she walked to the kitchen. "How are you feeling?"

"I actually feel great you know!" She exclaimed grinning like the Cheshire Cat. She was wearing pyjamas that Maxi had collected from Hoppo's place yesterday but she still looked amazing.

"You were completely wasted last night!" I smirked at her and she groaned. "I think I might go a surf at Tama, wanna join?"

"Can I?" She asked hopeful.

"Course! We can stop at your apartment on the way, I'm just gonna get dressed."

Bella's apartment is literally a few doors down from mine and Maxi's. Crazy I know! What's better is, is that it's only a 15 minute walk from Bondi. After getting dressed I met Bella, who was back in yesterday's clothes, by the door.

"Come onnnn Jesse, you take foreverrr." She whined.

"You're such a child." I laughed gently shoving her before grabbing my board and we went to her apartment.

After Bella was changed, she grabbed her board too and we made our way to Tamarama beach.

Bella's POV

"Hey Corey Oooo!" I shouted, attacking the poor guy with a hug. We were down at Tama beach and Corey must've been working here today. It was a pretty nice day but there was a forecast of strong wind and rain later.

"Hey." He laughed. "You're not still drunk are you?"

"I'm more responsible than that! Give me some credit jeez." I said, gesturing to my surf board. "Anyway, I'm going in."

The beach wasn't too busy which was definitely a good thing. I stripped off my denim shorts and floral top to reveal my baby blue bikini.

"Keep an eye out for bag thief's." I joked to Corey before throwing my stuff in my bag and heading for the ocean.

"OI WAIT UP!" I heard Jesse yell as he ran after me.

"What time do you start work today?" I asked Jesse. We were both in the water, just sitting on our surf boards after having caught a few waves each.

"12, so I should probably head back soon."

"Yeah." I said glumly when an idea suddenly popped into my head. "Oh, I could come with you!"

"Bella, you're not supposed to be back at work till tomorrow." Jesse sighed.

"One day won't hurt." I smiled. "Please, please, please can I come?"

"Alright, fine." He laughed. "You're dad's not working today anyway."

"Why?" I asked confused. My dad hardly ever takes days off, never mind weekends! Plus the reason I stayed with Maxi and Jesse last night was because he was going out... odd.

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