Bra Girl

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Bella's POV

"Bella... Belle... Bells... BELLA!"

"WHAT?" I shouted at the intruder of my sleep.

I felt a hand on my shoulder gently shaking me. "You need to wake up sleepy head, you've been asleep for nearly 12 hours." Someone laughed.


"Sorry Jess, I didn't mean to shout at you." I mumbled feeling guilty.

"It's alright, I shouted too. You must've needed all that sleep but I've been here since 10 and I was getting bored." He laughed.

Looking at my phone I saw that is was 12pm... crikey!

"Does this count as breaking and entering?" I chuckled throwing my face in to the pillow.

"Not when your dad gave me a key." He said smugly.

"Touché." I giggled. "Right you go downstairs, I'm going to shower, I won't be long."

After showering and drying my hair, I got dressed into a pair of denim shorts, a black sleeveless top that tucked into my shorts and my white converse.

"So you're my babysitter for today huh?" I joked walking in to the living room where Jesse was sat watching Friends.

"Yeah, aren't you excited to have your bestest ever friend to be your babysitter for the first day?" He laughed.

"Obviously!" I winked. "Hey wait! Weren't you off yesterday?"

"Yeah but I swapped shifts with Singos, he had some family emergency."

"Oh. I hope he's alright." I mumbled before taking my pain killers for my concussion. I didn't even have a headache but apparently it's important to take them. "So what are we doing today then?"

"He's fine Bells." Jesse smiled. "You're meant to be resting."

"Hey the doc said I can do things as long as I feel up to it." I retorted.

"And do you feel up to it?" He asked.

"Obviously!" I smiled. "So what are we doing today?" I repeated.

"Anything you want! As long as it's not too strenuous." He warned.

"We could go to Maroubra?" I asked. "I haven't seen Koby in ages!"

"Absolutely not." Jesse said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Why not?" I pouted.

"Because it's Maroubra.. and you're just out of hospital.. and it's MAROUBRA!"

"I'm fine!" I exclaimed. "I've not been in months, plus you've never had a problem with me going before!"

"Maybe there's a reason why you've not been in months." He mumbled. "Every time you've wanted to come over I stopped you. Look Bells it's getting more dangerous by the day over there."

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Some guys have turned up, Koby and them don't exactly see eye to eye. They haven't been seen in weeks though which is good."

"Is he okay? All the more reason to go see him though, right?" I said concerned.

"If these guys turn up it could be dangerous Bells, I'm not doing anything that could get you hurt! Especially after what happened the other day." Jesse retorted.

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