chapter 9: I've gone through too much crap for this not to work out

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when the garage door opened my jaw literally dropped to the ground.

okay.. maybe no literally.. but you get me.

right in front of me, behind the old looking, rusty garage door was an absolutely beautiful, shiny, black Ferrari. its not like i know a lot about cars or anything.. but you see- this here is my dream car. emphasis on the dream part, because there is no way i could ever afford such an expensive car.

like ever.

"do you want me to get that for you?" Cole asked, taking in my probably overly shocked face.. i didn't even try to hide it.

"huh?" i said, dazed.

"you've got some drool on your chin" Cole smirked, teasingly


and that's when i snapped out of it, and wiped my chin.

no drool.


I sent a mean glare at Cole, he chuckled lightly.

"i just thought you would like this car more than the motorcycle.. but if you would rather we take the bike.."

"no! no!" i cut him off quickly.

"we take the car! the beautiful, amazing dreamy car!!!" i moaned.

Cole lifted an eyebrow and smirked his beautiful smirk.

wait, did i just call his smirk beautiful?


the guys gorgeous, okay? sue me!

"was that a moan?" Cole asked, chuckling lightly

oh shoot.. i guess that's my cue to blush..

"um.. no.."

"by the way, you said most beautiful, amazing and dreamy.. but i think its only fair to compliment the car too"

wait.. huh?

"i did!"

oh.. just got that..


more like arrogant jerk..

i stuck my tongue out at him.

mature.. i know.

he stuck his tongue out too, and i laughed.

he was acting so playful now, literally 5 minutes ago he was ignoring me!

What is he, bipolar or something?

We got into the car and i gave Cole my address.

the engine roared to life.

it sounded like 70 years of hard work.

not that I'm judging Cole, but HOW THE HELL COULD HE AFFORD THIS????

we are in one of the poorest neighborhoods around.. and I saw his house.... I mean its not like I expected Cole to be a millionaire or something, but this car- well this car looks like it was purchased by a millionaire!! And I'm pretty sure Cole isn't rich.

omg! did he steal it??

"can't imagine what's going through your head right now.. I think I'm picking up on some shock, jealousy.. and is that accusation I see glistening in your pretty hazel eyes?" Cole smirked at me.

wait what? how did he know? did he call my eyes pretty? I felt the heat suddenly rise to my cheeks.

seriously? The boy is accusing me of accusing him, and I'm blushing because he called my eyes pretty? Oh god...

Trapped in his reality. #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now