At the last second, Nate pulled back and roundhouse kicked her. The knife flew from her grip and the two both dive to grab it. After many punched are thrown and a brave battle, park girl stood, triumphantly holding the knife up. “Good effort, but I’m afraid this is where the road ends, baby” she said. With a loud siren, two squad cars roll up and the officers step out, weapons pointed. “No!” she yelled, and begun to swing the knife. Bang! Bang! Park girl fell to the ground over Nate, riddled with bullets. The police rushed over and helped him up. “How did you find me?” Nate panted. “We received a call from a friend of yours named Keiko. Apparently she woke up when she heard your friend shatter a window throwing someone out of it” one of the officers said. “Michael!” Nate remembered. “Is he doing okay?” The officer frowned. “There was no report of your friend being injured, just that you were being attacked. What happened?” After a quick explanation, Nate rushed home as fast as he could while the cops radioed in an ambulance.