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Alexander came home. It was a Tuesday night so it was one of the nights when everyone was home.

Alexander walked into the living room, seeing his and John's five year old, Angie, watching a show on the family iPad. She was their youngest, by quite a few years.

Alexander kissed her head and she hugged him before returning to her YouTube video. Alex then walked into the kitchen, seeing their oldest, Frances, at the kitchen table with textbooks in front of her. She was the top of her class and head cheerleader. They were very proud of who she had become at just sixteen.

"Hey, Princess. What are you working on?" Alexander asked. "AP US work. Why'd I decide to take that and AP Chem?" She groaned. Alexander chuckled and kissed her head. "Don't stress yourself, babe. You can do it." He smiled.

John smiled at the scene. He was cooking on the other end of the kitchen. He got off of work at four so he cooked for the family. "Hey, Alex, honey. How was work?" He asked.

Alexander walked over and shrugged. "It was fine. Where's Philip?" He asked. "In his room. He's grounded, remember?" John said.

Alexander nodded. "Oh yeah." They had caught Philip skipping school and giving himself a stick and poke in the kids bathroom at home. They didn't understand why he did that he just said he felt like it. They decided to ground him for a week, but then he wouldn't stop arguing so he got two weeks. His punishment would be lifted Thursday.

He was fourteen. Alexander and John loved him, but he was a handful at times. He was definitely the rebellious kid. They tried to get to him. They even set him up with a counselor but he wouldn't go.

"Can I have Peter over Saturday?" Frances asked from her spot on at table. John and Alexander hated Peter. He was Frances's boyfriend. His dad was Alexander's work enemy, Thomas Jefferson. He was just like a younger version of his father too, just somehow worse. Even if they hated the kid, they knew it was better just to let him and Frances date rather than forbid them from seeing each other. They knew teenagers were dumb and they would just date behind their backs.

Alexander rolled his eyes at the sound of his name, but Frances couldn't see since he was facing the other way. John nodded. "Yes, sweetness, but you have to clean your room. And you know the rules, no going downstairs." He said. They had turned the basement into a room for Frances when she turned thirteen because it was bigger and she would have more room to practice her cheer routines.

She nodded. "Yes, yes, I know." Frances sighed, going back to her work. John moved and looked into the freezer for the shrimp. "Aw man, we don't have shrimp!" He said, sighing.

Alexander chuckled and kissed his cheek. "I'll go get some, dear." He said. "No no, I will. You worked all day. Just please watch noodles and veggies." John told. Alexander nodded and pecked John's lips.

"I'll be back in a bit. I love you." He said. "I love you too." Alex hummed before John left.

Alexander sat at the kitchen table, looking at Frances's work. "You know I got a five on my AP US exam in high school." He said. Frances looked at him. "Really? It's so hard. There is just so much information." She said.

Alexander nodded. "It is hard, I agree, but I know you can do it. You're very smart and talented so just allow yourself time to breath. It may be your Junior year but you don't have to stress so much." He smiled.

Frances went to reply before Philip walked in. "When's dinner? I'm hungry." He muttered, going to the fridge.

"Your Papa just went to get things to finish it up." Alexander said before looking over at Philip, seeing his lip. "Philip Hamilton Laurens! Is that a lip piercing?!" Alex asked, going up to his son.

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