Part 5

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Fear was another animal. It roared with the snap of sinew, the crunch of bone, the grin of every face she'd thought she'd known. Its laws unfurled like claws, piercing a fossilized sky. She glided on her belly, begging for brighter days. Yet her eyes burnt as she became their prey.

"Those pig-headed mortals will never see such beauty!" Death fumed, spraying perfume around her neck, "At least, not until tonight!"

Time chuckled.

"Someone is full of herself."

"Perhaps the mortals are just empty."

Time sniffed the air.

"What perfume is that?"

"War Medal...why?"

Time shook his head.

"Never mind. You ought to hurry, daughter."

"Yes, Father."

She rose mechanically.

"One more thing-- do I look beautiful?"

Time squinted. Death's gaunt figure was emphasized by a frothy white dress, and her inch-long nails were painted black. Aqua eyeshadow vanished into her heavy brows, and plum lipstick hardened her plump lips. For once, her hair was down-- greasy black curls cascaded past her knees. He rolled his eyes.

"Are you getting married or cosplaying as a tampon?"

"I could wear black...."

"Ugh! If herpes were an object, it would be your black dress."

" 'Tis the look mortal-men want!"

"Just go!"

Death rushed outside, slamming the door behind her. Was he lying?! No, Father would never! Especially not about something as important as this.

A big, red-haired man stood in the dark-green field, nibbling a corncob. He wore a tuxedo t-shirt, yet bright-pink flip-flops adorned his sasquatch feet. Death's stomach sank into her feet. This can't be him!

"Cowabunga, gorgeous lady!" he cried, "You ready to rock and roll?"

"Who are you?" she demanded.

He extended a corn-splattered hand.

"I'm Freiherr Florian von Seidenstricker, but you can call me Freiherr von Shishkebab."

"I-I...!" She went breathless with rage. "You are mortal?!"

"You're not?"

"Well...of course! What else would I be?!"

Shishkebab shrugged.

"You haf a funny vay of saying it!"

Death reached forward, stuffing Shishkebab's pork-knuckle hand into her bony white one. I bet he doesn't know Spanish!

"I am Cara de Culo-- a clock heiress."

"And I like to listen to da geese honk."

"How marvelous!"

"Dey keep honking, like some kinda clown mating ritual."

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