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It was a cold, late autumn night. You wanted to return home as soon as possible to get comfortable in your warm room after a hard day at work. You still haven't really got used to your new life after moving back to your hometown because of family matters. On your way home you pass Fatgum's hero office, where the lights were still on. So that Thai is working hard eh? You smiled as you remembered your dear friend from middle school, who you often had snacks with.

Well, I guess it makes sense that he became a hero...he always had a bright and cheerful personality,was good with other people,had a strong sense of justice....yeah that makes sense.I wonder if he still remembers me...

While getting closer to your home, you hear screamings before an explosion from the shop next to you throws you to a pole. You hit your head and a few glass piece hurts your legs a little bit. Before loosing your entire consciousness you hear the sirens and see a large round person while fading into the dark.

When you opened your eyes it took you some time to realize you were in the hospital. The nurse informed you that you had a mild concussion and you have several cuts on your leg. Great. You hated hospitals and it seems you will be a resident for a couple days and police will be involved too. Oh God....sure this was definitely missing from my life at the moment. If being cheated on, having a divorce,loosing my previous job, moving back and having constant fights with the relatives wasn't enough. somebody knocked "Excuse meee~ I'm the pro hero that was involved in yesterday's incident. May i come in to ask a couple of questions? " "Yes,come in. " A large figure passed the door and you immediately recognized him. "hey there how are you feeling? Ya' got a big blast in your face last nigh...~HUUH??? IS THAT YOU (y/n)????~" "Hey Tai. Yes ,it's me. Got a little unlucky last night. A little bit of headache, but I'm okay." "How did you get here????? You are supposed to be in (city name). Home visiting?" " I moved back 1 month ago,home is.....a little chaotic at the moment" -you forced a smile on your face. "Okay, so about the accident.... (skipping trough the interrogation part) "that's it for today. You will be okay tomorrow? Does your husband know you are here? " "No, he doesn't..." "should i call him up so he can pick you up?" he said it with a big smile "umm....Tai...I..moved back because I divorced him.....he wouldn't care,but you are sweet" "whaaaaat????!!! But..uh nevermindi see you don't wan't to talk about it, but if you need it I will listen to it if you are ready for it......Okay I will be here at 9 am to pick you up and escort you home when you are released! And no but's! Its's decided!!!!" -with that and the world largest smile on his face he waved goodbye and left the room.

Yupp....a few seconds with him and the feelings you had that time are all coming back.

Fatgum( Taishiro Toyomitsu) x readerWhere stories live. Discover now