Part 4

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You couldn't believe what you heard. What? Tai? Date?! Huhhh???? You probably looked with the bigest eyes because he got nervous suddenly.
"I - i mean you are free to refuse but.. Um you looked like you could really use some fun and i would be happy if we could go somewhere...."
OMG is this really happening?
"Sure i would love to" Keep calm keep calm don't have a heart attack! Wait. Did he just let out a sigh? Maybe he was hoping for a yes?
"okay give me your phone so i can give you my number and we will agree in the place and time." said a Tai with the hugest smile.

10 minutes later you were inside your appartment leaning against your door. You had his number. He asked out you on a date. This was an old dream come true but..... Can your broken heart take it?
You then slapped your face.
I can't sit here and lick my wounds for all eternity! Come on live a little!!!!💮

That night you were just watching TV and having a snack. It wasn't late only 7 pm but you were lying and almost falling asleep or would have if somebody wouldn't have started to ring the doorbell like a maniac.
You answered the door camera(or idk what they are called)

"Hi and come in mrs. Toyomitsu"

The small lady bursted in like a rocket, and without hesitation he pulled you into a big mother-bearhug.
Seriously this was one of the best things you could get right now. You loved that woman. She was the best mother of all, and even treated his sons friends like his own. Tai definetly got his protector side from her mother. And also his blonde hair. But he was also tall and calm like his father.

10 minutes later you were wrapped in a comfy blanket, sipping hot chocolate. His mother sat in the armchair having a nice cup of tea.            "Tai called like he would always do and then casually mentioned that he got a date with you. "
"And you knew i was in trouble"
"Of course. First i started my line of:she is married and if you two are having an affair i will slap the s**t out  of you two. And then he started to be embarrased that he doesn't know of he can tell me this... And in the end i draged it out of him..."
She sipped her tea and looked up.
"sorry about that but i needed to know if you are okay"
"Well if you mean physically then i m okay.... But mentally... Uh not so well... Terrible in fact,but i'm trying to get back on track." you tried to convince her with a fake smile.
"Put that discousting smile away for somebody else, you don't need to pretend when i'm here. Years ago when i heard about your parrents and met them you remember what i said? I am here for you if you need a mother or an adult."-with that she sat beside you and hugged you.
" you will find a better guy and you will be happy I'm sure. " she kissed your forehead.
" And i would gladly kick your family's and that guys butt anytime  because you deserve better."

The doorbell rang.
" And that will be my ride home"
You got up to open the door. Tai's father stood there.
"Hi (y/n)! Sorry about this she ran out when she got the news." he pulled you in a hug.
"If there is anything we can help just give a call. I'm not sure if you have our phone numbers but here, i wrote them down for you."
"Thanks i really appreciate it."
She walked out the door and linked arms with her husband.
"Will you be okay? Call sometimes will you?"
"i promise i will,and don't worry i feel much better now that i had a mother to talk to. And Taishiro too."
"If something happens call him. That boy would do anything for - - " her husband gave him a light push.
What was that??? What was she trying to say?
"Oh its getting late we need to go now. Good night dear."
Well that was strange...

That night you, finally after a long time, fell asleep smiling.

       ~next part is the date 😁💮💮~

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