Part 3

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In the end every part of your table was covered in food and drinks. Fortunately, the manager gave you a large table in a secluded corner of the restaurant.
Still, people stared at you and Tai but you two didn't care. You were just eating in silence for a time.
"Feeling better now?" he asked with stuffed cheeks.
"Yepp, definitely. Can I have some of your fruit bowl? Those strawberries look amazing!" and with that you stole one.🍓
"If I can have a bite of the toast....Hmm it's good, maybe a little bit too sweet for me. You are really better now! You were smiling at your food!
" I was actually smiling because I remembered our school days. " you said, embarassed.
" Sorry for being a bother."
"What are you talking about???? (y/n) you are N. O. T a bother actually Its.... Quite the opposite, i enjoy being here with you."

Hearing all of this that you are not a burden made you snap. All of your tiredness, sadness, pent up stress that you have been hiding hit you. You covered your face with your hands so he wouldn't see you crying. You hated to cry in front of others, but that moment you couldn't do anything. He moved your hands from your face and gave you a handkerchief
  "Oh, Tai I've just had enough of not being enough for others! My husband,my family,my workplace! Everything!!!!  Why am I not good the way I am?!"                     
"So you will tell me now what happened?" He reached out to stroke your head.                                   
 " Yes, I will tell.It all started when I got in a position at my workplace where I could get promoted. I talked about it with my husband what is his opinion about it and that if I take it, I will probably have to work a bit more and that I won't be able to give him all of my attention for a few months. He said it was okay and we planned to buy a house at that time, so he was happy about the extra money! He said he would endure it for the sake of us! 3 months went by and I really, really gave my all in everything I worked a lot, sometimes over time, I cooked, I cleaned, and sometimes cut from my sleep time, just to do it with my husband so he wouldn't feel neglected. There was  2 times when I fainted from fatigue because I wanted to make ends meet. And what do I find? Not only that my husband got fired and wasn't even looking for a job, but I come home one night and find him in bed with somebody else. He had the nerve to tell me that this is completely normal, and that we should be "open- minded".  Oh yeah, also turned out his little "not serious girlfriend" is 4 months pregnant!!!! He never wanted to have kids!  We filed the divorce and I got out of there. Also, it turned out the promotion  was a kind of "whoever sleeps with the boss will get promoted one" and when I refused my boss I got fired. In the end I needed to move back here to start things from 0. The best in the best is the fact that my family blames me for getting a divorce, and they are constantly shaming me that I wasn't a good wife and how bad I screwed up. I wanted to stay at their place for a while, but they kicked me out an hour after arriving........... 
When you ended your tears had been flowing constantly but finaly you could let out what you had been enduring and holding in yourself for months. Suddenly a pair of huge arms wrapped around you and pulled you in a warm and comfortable hug. You didn't realised till this point how much you craved affection or at least a big punny hug. A tissue appeared before you.
"Here use this. Better (y/n) ? - you looked up and nodded.
"ARGJJHJJ!!!! I'm so angry at everybody right now!!!! How dare they hurt you! I would really want to rearrange your ex-husbands face right now. How could he... It wasn't that much time he needed to endure, and he would needed to help you not stab you in the back!!! And your family is straight up mad! I always knew they are strange and not 100% normal but i didn't expect them to be sooo...... Ahh sorry i shouldn't have said that but i'm just so irritated. Whatever they do, they are still your parrents." - he looked down how you are doing. You were slightly better and you broke the hug but you were still holding onto him because it helped to calm down.
" It's okay you said nothing wrong. You remember, right? I always had problems with them,but this was really shocking."
"here sit down (y/n) . I will bring you a hot chocolate that will help to calm down." with that he dissapeared and you took several deep breaths to get back on track. When you opend your eyes Tai sat across the table.
"Better darlin'?" he smiled at you.
"Yes,definetly. I think we should pay and slowly get going. I'm sure you have other tings to do."
" Ah, don't worry about paying i m already done with it, and before you start don't even think about paying your part to me! It's my treat."
"But Tai..."
"No buts! It's done. That's it!"

After you were done he escorted you home.
"That's it. I live in this building on the 3rd floor. Thanks for everything, really, you can't imagine how much this means to me. I don't know how i will repay this."
"You don't need to (y/n)! It's only natural!..... Buuuttt if you really wan't to repay I maybe have an idea..." he looked embarrased and red saying that.
"Yes, what it is?" you said smiling.
"uhmm... (y/n).... would you like to go on a date with me?"

😁💮To be continued...

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