Part 5

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~sorry for the late update, but I have a tough time behind me and I just decided to completely turn around my life (i hope for the best) so it wasn't easy but thanks for the comments I liked them a lot <3 ~ 

So what should I wear? Oh god i swear i forgot how to do a date. Damn. I shall curse my ex husbands name....But let's see the good side. A DATE WITH TAIIIIIII OMG. It's really my old self's dream come true,and maybe my adult self's future dream.
 You were standing in front of your closet for at least an hour. Previously, you called him to ask what is he planning. Well....the "it's a surprise!!!!! of course i'm not telling ya' -answer didn't help. Hmm if I were him what I would plan..... He hates expensive restaurants because the food sizes are small for him so that's a no. I'm sure it will include food, but I don't think that will be all. He is a laid back, funny,mostly calm, optimistic, fun guy so it will be something not so ordinary. Maybe not a film,more like some kind of activity. 
Okay, so nothing to extravagant, just some nice everyday clothes. You also put on a light make up and arranged your hair.
Looking in the mirror you admitted that you look quite cute.
Okay let's do this!


I wonder where Tai is. I hope nothing happened to him. He is not the type of guy to be late. Calm down he is only 15 minutes late.
You were looking at the shop windows when you spotted a blonde head above the rest of the people.
When he showed up your jaw dropped... He looked skinny, and he was covered in bruises. He realised this.
"Don't worry (y/n)! I'm tottaaaly fine!" he said all of this with a big smile. He had a tooth missing. Oh god.
"Fine?! You are covered in bruises and band aids and lost at least 80% of your fat. You don't even look close to fine."
"Come on, i just had a little punch-match with a villain. Nothing serious, do you really think he could hurt the tender tank of naniwa?"
"Yes, it looks exactly like that." you let out a big sight.
"So what did you had in mind for today?"
"The amusement park!!!"
Nononono, that's not happening today big fella. It's a nice idea but that would be a little bit dangerous if he lost blood.  Oh god he looks awful. Last time he cared for me, now it's time for me to do the same.
"Tai.... The amusement park sounds lovely, but not like this. You are badly hurt, and i would be worried through the entire time. Please let's skip that today."
You could see him sulk a bit, and getting down.
"I didn't said we would cancel the date, we will think of something instead.
First - here. I bought a plate of takoyaki and a plate of yakisoba while waiting."
Yepp that helped a bit with his mood.
You grabbed his arm and started to pull him in the direction of a nearby park,but after a few steps he stopped.
"what's wrong?"
"we are on a date right?"
"right. So what?"
"we are going to do this the right way!" with that he grabbed your hand and linked your fingers with his and started walking with you hand in hand.
"haha so that's what you wanted"
"well yeah. one of the things i wanted to do with you" you looked in his eyes and you couldn't exactly figure out what he meant by that.
He looked the other way. You could see him blush.
Am i imagining things or there was a little bit of erotic sugestion in that sentence?

*To be cont. *
Should I continue with a lemon part (erotic bed stuff) or just do regularly?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2020 ⏰

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