Chapter 14

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I started to look around and saw a couple people staring down at me, probably wondering why im just passed out in the middle of central park. "What the hell happened?" i asked one of the guys standing above me. 
He just looked at me confused "i was hoping you could tell me girl! i just found you laying out here." 

I look back up at him and get up and look around,  ive figured out by now i need to figure out the problem and kill it in order to get back to my Jax.  I actually really miss him.  Not feeling his touch for so long, its killing me.  Sometimes i think i can feel him behind me but when i turn around i dont see him, its the worst feeling.  I looked around, knowing somehow that this would be the hardest time yet, but hoping it would just get me home.  I can feel a presense but i dont see anything and it feels evil.  I walk down the street and find a hotel, i check my bad this time and find a credit card in it so i check into t he hotel and lay down, falling asleep for the night, but when i woke up i found that i had a strangely terrifying dream, i saw three scratches on the wall, then when i looked down therre were the same ones on my chest.  I woke up hyperventalating until i realized that it was just a dream, until i looked up, that is. There they were on the wall just like in my dream, i looked down and there was blood trickling down my chest and thats when i saw the three scratch marks underneath.  I was terrified. I got into the shower and sat down taking slow deep breaths, maybe this is like the last one, just find some salt and some water and some strange blessing and surround everything in it and then it cant hurt me? but i seriously doubted it.  I went downstairs to the breakfast area after getting dressed and grabbed some salt and three bottles of water, then i hurried back to my room.  When i got back, the sight before me was one of great terror, there was so much blood, and in the middle of it all lay a small doll with blonde hair and blue eyes and a perfect little smile, she had on a blue dress and blue shoes and somehow all the blood stopped in a circle about an inche away from her.  I took the salt and quickly threw it at the doll and felt a cold hand gripping around my throat, i grabbed a still lit candle off the night stand and hoped it worked, i threw it at the doll but it missed and the blood put it out.  I started losing hope when i heard chanting behind me and the hand on my throat started to loosen.  i dropped to the floor, gasping for breath before making a beeline for my nightstnd, which i convieniently found matches,   i threw salt everywhere and lit the little doll bitch on fire, it was burning when i was slammed into the wall, the wind was knocked out of me, i wish it would burn faster! i hear the chanting again and i could finally see whatever the creature was that was hurting me, it was a little girl with black eyes and an open mouth with blood dripping from it, her nails were long and clawlike and she had jerky movements, she glared at me as she slowly started to fade, then she erupted into fire, i turned around to see who had helped me but they were already gone.  Then i passed out, the last thing i felt before the world went black was my body pressing into the blood.  

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