Chapter 22

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Don't Call Me A Friend Part 2


When we all got into the limo, I decided it was time to tell them. "Hey, guys!" I yelled to be heard over the many conversations going on. "So, I have a surprise for tonight." "What is it?" Liam asked. "It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you." They all nodded their heads in agreement and went back to their conversations.

Harry, who was sitting right next to me, leaned over and whispered, "So, can you tell me the surprise?" I looked at him and smirked. "Nope," I said, popping the P. After that, he pouted and pretended to be mad at me the rest of the ride there.


Vy's POV:

After a few attempts of poking Harry's cheek to try and get him to smile, I finally gave up and turned to talk to Liam, who sat on my right. I would have talked to Anna, but she seemed to be enjoying her conversation with Niall.

"Hey, Li Li (lee lee)!" He chuckled at my enthusiasm. "Hey, Vy! What's got you full of beans?" "I'm just super excited about my surprise!" I replied, laughing at that what he said. As I was laughing, I could feel Harry tense beside me. I decided just to ignore him and continue with my conversation with Liam.

*Skip the rest of the drive*

When we finally arrived at the venue, Harry was sitll pretending to be mad at me and got out of the limo leaving me behind. I'm not going to lie, but it kind of hurt even though I know he's just joking.

Liam, being the gentleman he is, opened the door and helped me out."Li Li," I leaned over and whispered, "Will you be my escort in since Harry kind of left me?" He smiled understandingly and put out his arm for me to link mine through.

We walked in and saw almost everyone there already. There was live music, people dancing, caterers; it all was perfect. The boys and Anna stood in awe of the sight (picture on the side) in front of them. "You all look surprised." They all nodded, still in shock. "I hate to break it to you all. You may think you know me, but you know very little about me. Even you, Louis." With that, I walked away to find the refreshments table to grab a Dr. Pepper.

I finally found the table and after grabbing a can of pop and grabbed a bit of food, I went to go sit down. Not even a minute after I sat down, I felt someone sit next to me. "What do you want, Harry?" I asked, staying focused on the food in front of me.

"This place looks amazing. When Louis found out you were throwing a party we all assumed it was going to be a small thing, but this is... Incredible." "Thanks," I casually replied, trying to hide my blush. He must have seen it still because he laughed lightly. Hearing him laugh brought a smiled to my face.

I looked over at him and asked, "So you're not still mad at me?" He smiled, looking into my eyes blue eyes with those dazzling green orbs. I started to feel weak and a fluttering in my stomach. "I couldn't be mad at you even if I tried." I bit my lip, out of a nervous habit, and stared into his sparkling green eyes that I could get lost in for.... 'Wait, okay Vy. Pull yourself together. You haven't know him for that long. He probably doesn't even feel the same way,' I thought, giving myself a bit of a reality check.

I took a deep breath before standing up and putting my hand out for Harry. "Come with me. It's time for the surprise." He took my hand and we ran up to where the stage is. Luckily the band was just finishing a song. I turned to Harry, saying, "Stay here." I left him front and center in front of the stage, before I ran around and onto the stage. I went over to the leader of the group and whispered, "It's time." He simply nodded before looking to the others, nodding to them signaling it's time.

One of them came up to me and handed me a guitar and another put a stool in front of the mic. I sat down and got situated with the guitar before talking. "Everyone can I have your attention please!" Everyone looked towards the stage and gathered around. "Ello! If you didn't already know, I'm Vy. I hope you all are enjoying my party. And how great is this band?!" Everyone clapped and cheered, and I waited for it to quiet down again before I spoke again. "I hope you guys don't mind, but I recently wrote a song that I would like to play for you all, if you don't mind." With that, I made sure the guitar was ready, I took a deep breath and begun. (Song on the side)

If you want my love
He gotta do what he does
If you want these sweet like sugar Gucci lips
He gotta give it up
I know you think I'm cool
But I ain't one of the boys
No, don't be scared that I'm gon' tie you down
I need a little more

I tried to look everywhere, except for at Harry and the rest of the boys. I have never sung any of my songs for anyone except for my family, but the boys and Anna are my family now. They're the only family I have left. Except one. Who I don't look at as family and don't want to be just friends with.

Baby, don't call me your friend
If I hear that word again
You might never get a chance to see me naked in your bed
And I know girls ain't hard to find
But if you think you wanna try
Then consider this an invitation to kiss my ass goodbye

Give me that title, title
Come on give me that title, title
Better give me that title, title
Come on give me that title, title

When I finished, it was silent. I began to panic, but a second later the whole venue erupted with clapping and cheering. Seeing all of this happen, I couldn't help but smile from ear to ear. "Thank you guys so much! I'm so glad you all liked it! Thank you guys for coming! Hope you guys enjoy the rest of the party!"

After I spoke, I looked down and felt my smile quickly fall. The moment in which one of my biggest fears was written in bold and gave me the only answer I needed.

Harry wasn't there anymore.

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