It's not even Christmas part 1

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*(Mitch's POV)*

I was driving back home from the Endless Noise studio, it was 2:37AM and I was exhausted. I was supposed to record the new PTX album 3 days ago with the whole group but I had a horrible case of stomach flu and I told them to record without me. I only recovered recently and decided to get it over with so that I could relax later on.

I was at the studio all day and now I was spent. When I was there I hadn't really realized how lonely it would be. I didn't really like it, I wish Scott would have at least been there but he told me the night before that he had some business to take care of so he wouldn't be able to stay with me.

Whatever, it's not like he can always be around me....

I finally get to the apartment and I park my car in it's usual place. As I walk towards the doors I see a shadow near the corner of Scott's car, it almost looks like the shadow of a cat.

I walk slowly towards it and I can tell that it's a stray. The cat has beautiful white fur, a little dirty but beautiful none the less, and....I think it might have mismatched eyes but it's hard to tell in the dim lighting.

I slowly move closer to it, reaching my hand out to caress behind its ear, when all of a sudden it bites hard into my flesh.


I yelled loudly and pull my hand away quickly which caused the cat to scurry away back into the shadows. "That filthy fucking animal!" I clenched my teeth and cursed under my breath as I held my hand close to me. I checked to see how deep the bite went. It was pretty deep and it was bleeding pretty badly.

I loved cats, but that one was a bitch.

I sighed angrily and started walking back to the front doors, I took the elevator up to our floor and walked down the hallway to our apartment. I used my good hand to take out my keys and open the door. I tried to be as quiet as possible but realized there was no use when I saw Scott sitting on the sofa, a cup of coffee in his hands.

"Hey-" I tried to smile at him, but the exhaustion probably made me look constipated. "what are you doing up?" I asked him as I took off my combat boots 'why did I have to wear the most complicated shoes today' I thought as I struggled to take off my boots with my ingured hand.

"I couldn't sleep without you here.....I missed you all day." He looked at me with a sad smile.

I finally managed to pull off the stupid boots; that took some effort.

I got up from where I was seated on the floor and made my way to Scott. I stood in front of him and caressed his cheek with my good hand. "I missed you too Scottie...."

I kissed him lightly on the lips and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I wanted to tangle my fingers into his hair and deepen the kiss when I realized that my hand was still in pain and probably bleeding all over the floor.

I pulled away reluctantly "Scott wait.....I-I umm...need to go to the bathroom" I know I shouldn't lie to Scott, but I don't want him to worry over something so little.

"Oh...umm ok.."

He lets go of my waist and I quickly scurry off to my bedroom. "I'm actually gonna take a shower, it might take a while so why dont you go to bed and i'll join you in a bit" I yell out as I get rid of the clothes on me.

"Ok, i'll see you in a bit" he yells back.

I run into my bathroom and turn on the shower. I let the water run a bit to give it a chance to warm up. I step underneath the heated water and sigh in relief. It feels so relaxing.

I quickly wash my hair, my body and the blood off my hand. I get out to dry myself and wrap the towel around my waist once I finished. I hurriedly look for the first aid kit under the sink to treat my injury.

I don't want it to get infected so I pour some rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball and gently dab it on the wound. I yelp at the stinging sensation, it hurt so bad.

I bandaged it quickly and as best as I could and put everything away. I decided to change into a long sleeve shirt to hide my hand and some baggy shorts.

I made my way to Scott's room and slowly opened his door, there he was lying down on the bed, trying his best to stay awake but clearly dozing off. I climbed on the bed, Scott flinched when he felt the bed shift.

I made my way to his side and gently kissed him "shhhh.....go to sleep babe" I whispered against his neck. He hummed quietly and pulled me into his side, I rested my head on his chest and listened to his heart beat as he dozed off.

I closed my eyes 'He's going to find out about your injury eventually' I ignored my thoughts, I was too tired. But I knew I had to tell Scott about my hand. I never liked keeping secrets from him. I'll tell him when I wake up, he'll probably freak out and over react, but letting him know sooner was better.

A/N to be continued.

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