It's not even Christmas part 4

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*(Scott's POV)*

Mitch was cuddling up in my side, he was falling asleep again. "Hey, don't go back to sleep, we have to go out soon." I nudged him and he groaned. "I dun wanna go...." He mumbled "Can't we go tomorrow?" He looked up at me with a pleading look.

I chuckled, he looked so cute. I started to get up and he frowned when his human pillow (me) moved away. "No we can't go tomorrow." I went back to my closet, picking clothes up off the floor and placing them back in it's original spots.

"Whyyyy noooott?" Mitch whined, he sat in the bed and stretched.

"Because I said so." I went to the bed and pecked him on the lips, I smirked when he crossed his arms and pouted, 'Just like a child' I thought. I started getting dressed, I chose some black skinny jeans and a regular blue t-shirt. I wanted to be comfortable today. I pulled on my boxers and my jeans, I glanced at Mitch, he was still sitting in bed.

"Well?...." I looked at him expectantly. "Hmm...what?!" He looked up at me as if he didn't even hear me. "Aren't you going to get dressed?" He stared at my face, he seemed really out of it. I snapped my fingers in his face and he flinches in surprise. "Oh right...sorry. I was spacing out.." He got off the bed and headed towards his bedroom. I'd ask him about his thoughts later.

Once I was dressed I made my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth and fix my hair. I styled it in it's usual way and put some deodorant on before I made my way to Mitch's room.

He just finished pulling on his shirt when I entered. "Hey are you almost ready?" I could tell he already styled his hair so he must've brushed his teeth too. He turned to me and kissed me on the lips. "Yup I just need some help bandaging my hand, I don't want any germs to infect my wound while were out." I looked at his hand, I almost forgot about it, I hope I didn't hurt it during our sexual activities.

I smiled at him. "Of course." He lead me to his bathroom and he sat down on the lid of the toilet. I got the bandages and disinfectant out. I grabbed a cotton swab and poured some of the liquid on it, I gently dabbed the wound. "Does it still hurt?" I asked as I finished with the alcohol. "Not as much as last night but it still stings a little." I nodded and started to wrap his hand, I was being as gentle as possible, I didn't want to hurt him.

"Did I hurt you when we had sex?" I suddenly blurted out. I saw him blush a little, he was so cute. "N-no, I was fine." I was finishing up on his hand. "A-are you sure, I was a little more rough than usual, I would never live it down if I hurt you in any way shape or form..." I rambled on about never wanting to injure him.

He surprised me by kissing me deeply, I immediately stopped talking. His mouth was soft and moist, like usual, his kisses always melted my soul, they relaxed me and made me crave more. He stopped " didn't hurt me..I promise.." He whispered softly. He got up and moved his hand a bit. "Besides, you know that wasn't my first time." He winked and walked out of the bathroom, I watched his hips sway. I remember his first time perfectly clear, of course I was there because I was his first time, and it was incredible.

I followed him to the kitchen, he was bent over looking in the fridge. I sneaked up behind him and smacked his rear. He shrieked " spanking." I laughed. He closed the fridge and turned around. "Let's eat out, there's nothing in the fridge." I sighed "See this is what I meant when I said that we couldn't put off the shopping for tomorrow." He pouted. "Well I was tired and too lazy to get up."

I looked at the clock on the wall and then back at Mitch. "It's 2 in the afternoon, we already missed the morning half of the day because of your laziness. Now were gonna be behind on our errands." He frowned and poked me in the chest. "Hey, don't blame it all on me, Mr. I can't keep it in my pants until evening." I fake gasped loudly and I smirked 'Time to play with his mind' "Well it's not my fault your so sexy, the way you shiver under my slightest touch-" I brought him close to me, our hips touching. I held him by the waste. "-the way you moan my name when I touch your sensitive spots-" His face was blood red now, he was extremely flustered. I kissed his neck. "-and when your tight-"

I didn't get to finish my sentence because he suddenly covered my mouth with his hands. He was embarrased, his face was turned away but I could see that even his ears were red. I licked his hand and he flinched, I smirked and leaned down to whisper in his ear. "Like I said earlier, you're sexy when you're flustered." I bit his ear gently and he lost it completely. He moaned loudly 'Mission complete'

His eyes widened and he shoved me away. "Scott!!!...Stop doing that." He covered his sensitive ear and I laughed. "I'm sorry, I can't help it, your just so cute." He smiled shyly, he turned away so I wouldn't see it but I knew he secretly liked the teasing. "Come on, i'll buy you Starbucks." He did a little happy dance and walked to the door to put his shoes on. He looked at me and stopped smiling. "This doesn't change anything, I'm still mad at you for teasing me."

I could see in his posture that he was joking "Yeah, yeah Stephanie, lets just get your coffee....and our groceries." He giggled, I quickly pulled on my shoes and followed him out the door. We went down to my car, I went to the drivers side when I noticed Mitch wasn't following me. I turned around and he was standing farther away from the car, staring at something on the other side of the car.

I called his name "Mitch?!"

"SHHH!!!!" He shushes me loudly. I try to follow his line of vision. "What are you looking at?" I whisper this time. He waves me over and I slowly walk to where he's standing. Now I see that he's staring at a white cat. I look at Mitch, then his hand, and then back at the cat.

"Is that the cat that bit you?" I whispered to him, I didn't want to scare it. Mitch nodded. "Ok...ummm....why are we staring at it?" I question him. He just shrugs and starts walking to the passenger side of the car, unfortunately that's where the cat is seated, but it runs away once Mitch starts walking towards it. I get in the car as well and start the engine, the radio automatically turns on and I drive to our nearest starbucks. 'Finally time to get on with our busy schedule'

A/N to be continued

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