It's not even Christmas part 5

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*(Mitch's POV)*

I had been spaced out all day today. Even Scott noticed that I seemed a bit off, he might question me now. I've been thinking a lot about that cat, I don't know why but I can't get it out of my head. It's stupid but I feel like it was trying to give me a sign....Oh well I shouldn't dwell so much on the matter.

Scott and I were on our way to Starbucks; mommy needs here daily dose of coffee. The radio was playing quietly while Scott drove. I know he wanted to say something so I waited patiently for him to start talking.

"Why were you so spaced out earlier?" He asked me.

I looked at him, I didn't know how to respond, if I tell him about the cat and the signs he's going to think I'm crazy.

"Oh...I was thinking about...about a new song for us to cover..." I lied.

He looked at me briefly and then fixed his eyes on the road again. I was a good actor but for seem reason Scott always knew when I was lying.

"Uh huh...and what song did you have in mind?" He asked. 'Was that a hint of sarcasm in his voice?' I questioned myself.

I nervously shifted in my seat and looked out the window. He knew now, it was pointless to continue my lie but I wanted to see how far I could go.

"Oh you know...." I looked down and twiddled my thumbs. "...That song by....Taylor Swift..." I bit my lip, 'Why did I say Taylor Swift?!?! We never do Taylor Swift!!' I mentally scolded myself.

Scott looked at me. I realized the car wasn't moving anymore, we were in the parking lot of Starbucks. "Mitch please...I know your lying and I know you know that I know..." He stumbles on his words a bit, It was cute how he got confused so easily. "Okay....i'm sorry but i've just been thinking of that cat a lot.." I subconsciously rubbed my injured hand.

"Why? What's so interesting about it that it haunts your every waking hour?" Scott questions all melodramatic. I frown. "It's not haunting's just...I feel like it's trying to give me a something's going to happen.." I hear Scott gulp nervously. 'Why is he nervous?'

"Well what kind of sign? A bad sign or a good sign?" I shake my head. "I don't's confusing me as is, lets just leave it at that.....can mommy have her coffee now?" I fake pout and act like im impatient. Scott smiles and pecks me on the lips. "Alright, lets get some coffee in you.....or would you rather I be in you again." He whispers against my ear.

I blush and look away. "Only if daddy gets me coffee right now..." He sighs, I ruined his mood. I smirk as he gives in. "Okay, okay lets get inside already." We both exit the car and make our way to the entrance. Scott opens the door for me, I smile. "What a gentleman" I say in a british accent. He bows and gestures to the opened door. "M'lady." I giggle and fake courtesy "Why thank you very much kind sir." He starts laughing and follows me inside.

We stand in front of the counter, the barista, Jenny?...Yeah the name tag reads Jenny, looks at us with a wide smile. "What can I get you two?" She asks with a sweet voice. We order our usuals and pay for them. Once they're ready we take our drinks and head back to the car, there isn't any time to sit and enjoy our beverages. Scott starts the engine and we peel out of the parking lot and back onto the road.

"Alright, time to go get our groceries." Scott exclaims cheerfully. We continue driving, singing along to the radio and sipping on our drinks until we reach the grocery store. We park the car and walk towards the automatic doors. Scott goes off to get a shopping cart and I take out the shopping list to check what we need to buy.

He shows up at my side with the cart ready to be loaded. "Okay first thing on the list is eggs..." Scott nods and follows me with the cart as I walk towards the egg section, I grab a carton and make sure none are broken. I put it in the cart and continued on to the next thing on the list. Scott followed me quietly while I picked out all that we needed. Soon we had everything on the list and we were heading to the cash registers.

I had noticed quite a few people giving us some weird or dirty looks as we shopped. I ignored it of course. I was a proud gay and I didn't care what people thought when I was out shopping with my boyfriend, they could stare if they wanted. I was beautiful anyway. I'm just not sure how Scott was feeling, he never usually got mad at people's judging but sometimes he would just snap if something really ticked him off.

As we were paying for our groceries a group of guys walked by. "Disgusting!!" They snarled at us, I saw Scott's face go red with anger and before he could go up to them and do any damage I wrapped my arms around his waist and snuggled my face into his back.

"They're not worth it." I whispered loud enough for him to hear. He was still angry but I could feel his heart going back to its normal pace. He turned around and hugged me tightly, he kissed my forehead "I'm sorry..." He said sweetly. I smiled, 'There's my sweet Scottie.'

He let go of me and grabbed the cart with our food. We made our way to the exit holding hands and walked to the car. We loaded up all the food in the trunk and got in the car. We sat there for a moment, I waited for Scott to start the engine.

Scott looked me in the eyes. "I love you." He said firmly. I smiled and held his hand with my good one. "I know Scott. I love you too." I leaned over and kissed him slowly, he kissed back. It was a nice sweet kiss. It didn't last long though, my phone started ringing in my pocket. I heard Scott let out a frustrated sigh. I chuckled. "Sorry, it could be important." I pecked him once more on the lips. He grunted and finally started the engine.

I took my phone out of my pocket and saw that Kirstie was calling. I answered it "Hey K, what's up?" Scott looked at me and mouthed 'Kirstie?' I nodded. He started driving.

"Hey Mitch, just wanted to see how you were doing? Are you feeling better from your stomach flu?" She asked with concern in her voice. Kirstie was always worried when either of the band members were sick.

"I'm a lot better Kirstie, thanks. How's Olaf?" I changed the subject, I didn't want to bring back the memories of my vomit.

"He's good, just running around the house and sleeping and eating...the usual.." I chuckled. "Hey Olaf can you say hi to Uncle Mitchie?" I heard her talk to Olaf in her baby voice on the phone and then I heard a bark. "Hi Olaf." I said in my baby voice. "Do you miss uncle Mitchie?" I heard more barking and I laughed, Scott laughed next to me as well.

"Okay thats enough barking, i'll get a complaint from the neighbours" I heard Kirstie say to Olaf.

"Oh yeah before l forget, you had to record the album last night without us. How did it go?" She asked me quickly.

"It went well, I missed you guys though. It felt pretty lonely without you guys there." I pouted a bit. Scott noticed this and he reached over to rub my thigh, I looked at him. His expression was apologetic.

"Aww, i'm sorry babe. Next time we'll all be together. Just make sure you don't get sick again!!" Kirstie scolded me with her motherly voice.

"Yes mom." I said with sarcasm, she laughed. "Well, i'm gonna let you go now. We'll talk later. Tell Scott that Olaf and I say hi." I giggle a bit. "Okay babe, talk to you later. Love youuu...Bye" I made kissing noises in the phone, I heard her say bye and hung up.

"Kirstie and Olaf say hi." I tell Scott, his hand is still on my thigh and I take it to hold in my own. "Oh, well i'd tell you to say hi back but you hung up already."

"Oops, sorry." He looks at me and smiles. "It's okay." He squeezes my hand reassuringly and continues driving. Finally time to go home.

A/N To be continued.

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