Short Story.

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I once knew this girl, her name was Alice.

When she was just five, she told me she was going to be the first to live on the moon. She was such a bright girl and was always looking forward with a smile.

When she turned ten, things began to change. She still smiled, but not as much as she used too. One day she was having a horrible day, the girls told her she was too weird to play with, the boys called her ugly and pushed her into walls, one even punched her. She came home with a black-eye, when her mother asked what happened, all she said was "I bet they're nice people on the moon."

Alice was now fourteen, she hasn't smiled in the longest time, it's hard to remember what her smile looked like. But she had become very talented with painting. She had painted a huge moon in her room, at a place where she knew the actual moonlight would hit it.

She told me the moon was special to her, it spoke to her. It was bright and so was she, but the moon also had a dark side to it, that no one could ever see, and so did she. Little did her mother know, she was depressed and had started doing some painful things, very painful things. She got made fun of in school, but her mother never knew. Alice would never complain to her mother, she didn't want her to worry.

One night, she sat on her bed and faced the moon, like she did every night, and spoke, "I don't get. What have I done that makes me different? Why does everyone hate me? It's your fault, moon. You're the reason why I'm different."

The moon spoke back to her. Not physically of corse, but it was the way it shined, it silently told her a message 'Just come live on moon, things will be different here.'

"But how could I get to you?"


It was then she decided tomorrow night she would leave this world behind and go where things would make sense to her.

The next day was struggle. As the usual, the names came.

'Moon Freak.'

'Attention whore.'



She does her best to ignore them. She went to her locker to get books for her next class.

An unexpected note fell out.

I see the way they treat you, but I think you're amazing. I wish I had to guts to tell you in person, but I really like you. I want to call you mine. Please meet me out by the field for lunch.

Jackson. One of the quiet, nice guys, who was also part of the 'popular group.' This had to be trick, but she knew she had to be nice and give him a chance.

When lunch came, she went out to the field to find him already waiting for her.

He spoke first. "Hey,"


He continued the conversation as much as possible.

He made her laugh and smile for the first time in years. And when they we're done lunch he got the look of guilt on his face.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"God, I wish I hadn't done this. I didn't think you'd actually be nice and you know, have a soul." He spoke quickly.

"What? I don't understand." She frowned.

Suddenly, the 'cool kids' came out and threw food at her and turned on the sprinklers. Alice ran off crying as they all laughed and called her names, all except Jackson.

Jackson ran after her.

She had skipped the rest of her classes that day. She ran to the bridge that went over the big lake in her town. That was her favorite spot to think.

Over all the traffic, she heard footsteps come towards her.

"What do you want?" She spoke rudely, she didn't care who it was.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know they go that far."

"Jackson? Well, it was my fault for having trust in you."

"Listen, I think I might actually really like you."

"Why do you think I'll believe that? I'm done with all your tricks. I'm leaving this hell hole." She stood up.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm going to fly. The moon is calling me." She pointed towards the moon slightly showing through the clouds as the sun set.


"You see, that's where I'm meant to be." She took a step forward.

He shouted, "No, Alice, please, you can't fly! No human can. Please. Come with me, I can make things right."

"But the moon has always been there for me." She took another step.

He tried to get closer to her, "Please, Alice. This isn't right."

"I don't care. I'm going to fly."

"No, you'll die!"

She turned around to face him and whispered, "Maybe that's what I want."

He was shocked her answer.

"I want to fly, but the only way to do that is to die."

And with that last sentence she fell back, deep down into the dark waters.

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