ugly Wip

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This is Replayste

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This is Replayste.
Basically Replay and Paste put together-
Also some of their Famous Quotes-

Basically Replay and Paste put together-Also some of their Famous Quotes-

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"Ack, stitches are fallin' off-"
"....What is Exsistance?"
"I'm just a Camera Headed Doll-Like shortie who needs love."
"Reasons why Error and Geno are my Cousins. Killer is my brother for some reason."
"Stitches. Camera. ACTION."
"C-Crush? Who said I-I was crushing o-on you?"

Oh, by the way their Crush is Lotus/Fell Goth cuz idk

Welp. Bye *grabs a gun*

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