Chapter 2

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whoop" whoop
Saras POV
The four boys pointed at me, grinning crazy, sadist grins.
I felt Malcolm grab my hand and I squeezed.
"Go pack up your, um, things, Sara." Melisa said with a faraway look.
Before I could utter a protest, Malcolm stood up.
"I'll help her," He whispered hoarsely.
Melisa nodded sympathectically.
"On my signal, run and scream for Andrew and Spencer." He whispered in my ear. Nobody noticed. I nodded.
The strange people smiled at me as I passed, and I tried for a winning smile, but failing miserably.
We reached the foot of the stairs.
"Now!" Malcolm yelled and I raced up the stairs.
I heard a shout and felt a hand try to grab me, but I was too fast and nimble..
Spencer liked to call me her little squirrel, as I apparently resembled the speed and agility of one.
"Spencer! Andrew!" I screamed, and the immediately opened the door of the infantry and ran out.
"What is it, love?" Andrew said in a barely contained voice, wiping away the tears I had no idea were there.
"T-They wanna adopt m-me," I sobbed, burying my face in his warm chest as he wrapped his arms around me.
He lifted me off my feet and I wanted to protest, protest that I was too old for this, protest that I was too heavy, but I couldn't. I let myself get lost in the thick smell of woods and pine, in the soft flannel material of Andrew's shirt.
I suddenly heard a masculine shout and a feminine scream. My head snapped up to see that Spencer was already rushing downstairs, me and Andrew following her.
What we saw was so revolting, so shocking I had to swallow back bile.
Malcolm sat at the foot of the stairs with Stephanie in his arms, both of them had large welt marks on their faces, Melisa standing over them with an old-fashioned whip in hand and a rage filled look on her face.
The four boys were huddled in the courner practically shitting themselves.
Then suddenly, Spencer was looking me in the eyes and caressing my face gently. She was crying.
"Your going to go with these boys, you hear me? It's not safe here. You need to stay safe, alright?" I was in a daze, not really hearing what she was saying. I vaguely heard shouting, felt Andrew hug me tightly, kiss my cheek and whisper 'I love you' before he ran from me.
I was thrown my small suitcase, handed over to the boys and rushed out. I caught Spencer's eye before I left though.
I saw her kneeling in front of Malcolm and Stephanie, her arms spread like eagle's wings as if she intended to take every blow that was aimed for those children.
Her face was bleeding, and she was in obvious pain, but she mustered up enough strength to smile and mouth 'I love you so much' before the whip came down another time and a splatter of blood erupted from Spencer's face.
I heard Andrew's deep voice call out to her, to me, to the world, but I would only remember now how Andrew looked with an unconscious Jay and Jacy slung over his shoulder, and Spencer with her swollen and bleeding face, protecting two young children.
It was then in that moment when I realized where I was.
"Drive, Luke, drive!" Someone screamed and the car engine roared to life, and the car shot out of the drive way.
It was silent, then, everyone's heavy panting the only noise.
Then I screamed.
An ear shredding shriek of agony and grief, longing, anger and sadness jammed into the mixture as well.
I was vaguely aware of someone wrapping their arms around me as I sobbed.
I was a hiccupping, hideous mess, full of whimpers and sobs.
"Shh, Shh, don't worry love. Everything's going to be alright." Said a soothing voice.
I looked up to see the red-haired boy holding me.
"Alright?" I whispered, my voice barely audible.
"How can I be alright when I'm not with my family?" I said again with more force in my voice.
"But, love, they gave you away. Aren't you happy that we adopted you?" The boy asked.
I looked at him.
"I didn't mean those demons who gave up their 6-year-old daughter. I meant the family that fought for me just now. You took me away from the only people I have loved since I was given away. Are you expecting an award?" I kept my voice in the maintained calm that took all of my willpower to keep it.
The rest of the trip was quiet.
After about an hour, we pulled up to an enormous house.
No, enormous was an understatement.
This house was 4 stories tall, and an indescribable amount of acres.
"It's big, huh?" The red haired boy said from my shoulder.
I didn't reply.
The boy sighed.
"I'm Michael, by the way."
I only nodded.
"We're here." The quiff boy, who was also the driver, announced.
I numbly took my suitcase in my hands and climbed out of the car after the rest of the boys, walking up the stone path and to the front door.
"Are you ready to see your new home?" The Kiwi boy asked.
I just stared at him.
"Okay that's not creepy."
We awkwardly got out of the black car and shuffled to the door.
Then I ran.
I dropped the suitcase and sprinted faster than I ever had before, which was saying something.
I heard four boys yelling at me to stop, but I just kept running.
With no idea where I was running, I ran back the way we came, praying that I could get hit by a car and die, because that's what I wanted.
I loved this feeling though, the running. My lungs ached, my eyes burned, wind cracked at my clothes, my muscles were sore, but I loved it.
I suddenly stopped running.
"Jesus Christ woman, you can run pretty quickly." I heard someone wheeze behind me.
I didn't bother looking.
It was obviously Michael, the red-haired boy who talked to me earlier.
I hadn't noticed it, but we were pretty far from the orphanage. Over here, it was already snowing, a thin white layer blanketing everything in sight.
My Keds were soaked, and I was shaking, but I smiled anyway.
I smiled at the thought of snow and blood and the contrast they created.
A drop of blood in a white blanket is very noticeable, as it permits a contrast.
I enjoyed looking at contrasts.
"Why are you smiling?" Michael asked, and he took a step closer.
"We live in a very beautiful and cruel life." I said as a numb feeling spread through my body.
I began to sway as I smiled, and Michael had to rush forward and catch me before I hit the ground.
I saw a black bird against the white sky while I was in Michaels arms.
And my world shifted in Dreamland.
so it's short meheh

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2014 ⏰

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